Why don't established religions care about Ron Wyatt's archaelogical findings confirming the Bible? What do you think? What does that reveal about them? Have you any idea?
Why don't established religions care about Ron Wyatt's archaelogical findings confirming the Bible?
by Kosonen 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It means that established religions are at least smart enough not to fall for bs crap that wyat poops out. Fundies aren't that smart. Am i making myself clear enough?
With the credibility of a 75 pence coin, why should anyone take him seriously?
As the IAA has stated "Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary.
So you two don't believe? May be you have something common with these established religions?
'May be you have something common with these established religions?'
Not at all. I'm not religious. I was a christian for a couple of yrs, many yrs ago. That was when i read some of wyatt's 'discoveries'.
Band on the Run
Pls. I lived through this with evolution. Who the heck is Ron Wyatt? I knew Margaret Mead. Cultural anthro was one of my favorite subjects. When Israel was established, Jewish archaeolgoists descended to research with great glee. They found everything that was in the Bible. Later generations are ashamed of the work. Their bias towards belief led to science being dismissed. Very little of what should be there from the Bible is there.
Let us read his CV. What international committees has he chaired?
A more reliable archeologist--in my opinion--is (was) the late Bargil Pixner. Also, the CenturyOne Foundation has a pretty good archeological section at this link:
Let us read his CV. What international committees has he chaired?
Because most people have a working bullshit detector, that's my guess. Particularly those who follow established scientific methodology.
Cold Steel
How can the Bible be proven through archeology? Troy (or Ilium), Sparta and Mycenae, as well as other cities, have all been substantiated as real, but that doesn't mean the theology is true. Athena stopped Achilles from doing rash things, Apollo brought a plague to the Achaean army and taunted the great runner in battle; Hermes got Priam past the Achaean posts and into Achilles' tent and what does this all this prove? Nothing. The Trojan War may have happened, and many of the characters in The Iliad may be true or based on real people, but it doesn't substantiate the theology. And just because biblical sites have been found doesn't mean the theology is true.