I attended the CA today. The usual gruesome fodder was dispensed until the baptism
My experience of the event for many years has been a carefully controlled sort of sacred ceremony during which relatives and friends discreetly filmed their love ones being lost to this delusion. The only changes have been can we clap each candidate or do we wait until the end. Recently new light said yes we can clap each candidate in stead of having an accumulated clap at the end
Today though, an announcement “The writing committee have announced that we now no longer required to sit during the baptism” We were dismissed to go for lunch, chat amongst ourselves or do as we liked.
The baptism was going on at the front of the hall, children were running about, some were eating lunch; some were in an uncontrolled scrum in front of the pool.
Very strange, it felt like break dancing during the memorial.
This was new to us, are we late adopters?