Who or what is to blame for the Newtown CT shooting?

by BreathoftheIndianNose 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • BreathoftheIndianNose

    Yohan said:

    Gun free zones are the problem. All the mass shootings happen in gun free zones. My dozens of guns have never killed anyone nor have my many thousands of cartridges or the tens of thousands of rounds that I've already fired.

    Your statement frightens me. People like you are allowing these crimes to happen. You might reverse that claim by saying that if it was not a 'gun free zone' there would have been people with guns to shoot and kill the shooter. What the hell kind of country do you want to live in? You want children in schools to be surrounded by guns all the time giving them the impression that more guns equals more safety? If you want the ability to protect yourself and others learn karate, boxing, or Jiu-Jitsu. Thats a form of defense you and you alone can use, not like an assult rifle where any crazy person can pick it up and be a killing machine. Most if not all of the recent public mass shootings involve an assault rifle. Assault rifles are not meant for protection, they are meant for mass homicide. That is what is most to blame. Allowing irresponsible people, Lanza, easy access to incredibly dangerous weapons.

    Are you willing to part with just one type of gun to prevent more of these atrocities?


  • TD
    Are you willing to part with just one type of gun to prevent more of these atrocities?

    Well I can't speak for others, but I am.

    At the same time though, I wish people who know nothing about firearms would quit pontificating as if they did.

  • sooner7nc

    An assault weapon is not meant for protection? That's the dumbest shit I've read since I read your last post.

    Would I be willing to part with one kind of weapon to prevent these atrocities? Absolutely...if you can prove that they cause them. And none of this "Illusion of Validity" bullshit. It has to be real solid proof.

  • TonyT

    The perpetrator is to blame. Making him famous encourages copycats.

  • BreathoftheIndianNose

    Don't patronize yourself sooner7nc, an assault rifle CAN be used for self protection, but it is far more powerful than what is necessary in almost all cases, that is the point.

  • TonyT


    I'm guessing that you are not a gun owner.

    * Assault rifles are not legal without an expensive license.

    * Assault rifles fire a small round desinged to wound and require resourses to save the wounded.

  • whathehadas

    This guy makes some sense about guns. He does make prepping videos for a financial collapse, or what he calls it SHTF situation (Sh$T Hits The Fan).



  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I wish people who know nothing about firearms would quit pontificating as if they did.”


    In case my participation on the subject of gun ownership and rate of homicide has contributed to your frustration, I acknowledge my familiarity with firearms is limited to my personal experience, which experience is much less than others around here such as yourself. Certainly I am not formally trained across the spectrum of weaponry that other participants seem to be. So please do not let my contribution to the subject be a source of any angst. If it has added to your frustration (or to anyone else’s) please accept my profound apology. That was/is not my aim.

    My intent is to have substantive dialogue on the issue of gun ownership and rate of homicide. Perhaps I should stick to a more academic perspective and leave the ballistics to folks with more experience and better training.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • TD
    In case my participation on the subject of gun ownership and rate of homicide has contributed to your frustration...

    Not at all Marvin. My frustration is with the outright misuse of the term 'Assault Rifle' and the misunderstanding of the term 'Assault weapon."

    Misunderstanding those terms leads to all sorts of ridiculous claims about their availability and power, most of which have been repeated on this forum.

  • Yohan

    And by idiots like Piers Morgan. He said a Bushmaster can fire between 4-6 rounds per second to John Lott. A full auto M-16 assault rifle can do that, but not an AR-15 Bushmaster.

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