Cultivate the spirit of lesser ones? That is enough--the whole thing is rubbish. Bad enough to read the LIE-ble, which relegates women to servitude to men and encourages slavery and torture to spread its message. Then add the washtowel and asleep rags? Those rags are full of writing errors, contradict themselves (often within months of each other, and sometimes even within the same rag), and give rubbish advice. Whatever advice they do contain that is useful is such blatant common sense (washing your hands, for instance) that you don't need a rag to get that. (And they give advice that is rubbish amidst it, rendering it worthless.)
I get more updated, useful, and interesting advice on Joy of Satan and its e-groups than I could ever find online. They actually encourage people to research--to dig in and find where the history of the LIE-ble really came from. I also get more updated information right here, including information about the cult that is so new that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is forced to cancel plans to implement it. I have seen local hounder information that doesn't appear in any rag--people discouraged from investing in silver, for instance. Here, you get the full scope of what goes on within the wretched religion--why anyone would need the rags, beyond realizing just how absurd they actually are and that there is an enemy seeking your damnation. And that such enemy is called Jehovah.