New video on sexual harassment blames the victim

by puffthedragon 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • puffthedragon

    hope this is not a repost 2 minute video

    Yes, it spends half the video blaming the victim for "inviting" sexual harassment.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    You can play drums and guitars as a JW?

    And why the fuck is their website so slow. Put it on YouTube so we can get decent bandwidth and leave comments.

    And I agree, "dressing in a certain way" is such BS. You don't INVITE harassment, nobody does WTF! This is just legitimizing such behavior.

  • Aware!

    Are they trying to make it seem like they're interviewing random passersby?

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Shouldn't sisters just shut up and be submissive anyway?

  • zeb

    what do little children do to "invite" abuse.?

  • cedars

    I don't see anything overly outrageous about it. I don't agree with the part where the girl tells us that if you say NOTHING you are INVITING sexual harrassment. I'm not sure how that argument would stand up in a court of law. Apart from that, the video is pretty standard of what I have come to expect from Watchtower.

    As a side point, I do think making all these videos and posting them on is a major mistake for the Society. So much material to dissect and analyze!


  • jamiebowers
  • blondie

    YB, my 9-year-old sister was told by an elder she had seduced her father......................

    The WTS also has had past articles that said that the rape vicitm caused the attack. I'm surprised the WTS doesn't recommend burkas for sisters and having to have an adult male family member with you every time you go outside the house. 1973--dress invites rape; 1993, the WTS quotes from a non-jw source for non-jw consumption.

    *** g73 4/22 p. 16 Protect Yourself from Crime ***Style of dress can also contribute to rape. As to women being raped in a large city, one detective says: “If you ask me, they invite it. They wear those see-through blouses and skimpy skirts.” An airline stewardess who keeps an apartment in New York city implied that clothing contributes to assault when she said: ‘“You can’t even wear hot pants here, because men try to rape you.” Modest apparel is becoming to a lady; in today’s sex-mad world it is also “sensible.”

    *** g93 3/8 p. 4 The Reality of Rape ***“The Second Rape”

    Kathi was 15 years old when she was raped by three members of her high school hockey team. When her family pressed charges, she was ostracized and harassed by friends, neighbors, and strangers. “Boys will be boys,” the family was told. At school Kathi was called obscene names, and threatening messages were left on her locker. Her rapists were punished with probation and community service and went on to become athletic heroes for the school. Kathi was punished with months of harassment. Eventually she took her life.

    Kathi’s case is a tragic example of how rape victims are often assaulted first physically by the rapist, then emotionally by others. Many women find that attitudes and misconceptions about rape result in the victim’s being blamed for the crime. Friends, family, police, doctors, judges, and juries—those who should be helping the victim—may share those misconceptions and hurt the victim nearly as deeply as did the rapist. The problem of blame is so severe that some have termed it “the second rape.”

    *** g93 3/8 pp. 4-5 The Reality of Rape ***Rape Myths and Realities

    The following are some of the long-held misconceptions about rape that serve to blame the victim and to perpetuate attitudes that encourage the perpetrators:

    The following are some of the long-held misconceptions about rape that serve to blame the victim and to perpetuate attitudes that encourage the perpetrators:

    Myth: Rape happens only when a woman is attacked by a stranger.

    Fact: The majority of women who are raped are assaulted by someone they know and had trusted. One study found that 84 percent of victims knew their attackers and that 57 percent of the rapes happened on dates. One out of 7 married women will be raped by her own husband. Rapes are violent and emotionally traumatic whether the attacker is a stranger, a spouse, or a date.

    Myth: It’s rape only if a woman afterward shows evidence of resistance, such as bruises.

    Fact: Whether they physically resisted or not, few women show visible evidence, such as bruises or cuts.

    Myth: A rape victim bears part of the blame unless she actively resists.

    Fact: Rape by definition takes place when force or the threat of force is used to gain sexual penetration, of any kind whatsoever, against a person’s will. It is the rapist’s use of force against an unwilling victim that makes him a rapist. Thus, a rape victim is not guilty of fornication. Like an incest victim, she may be forced to submit to an act she doesn’t want because of the perceived power held over her by another person. When a woman is forced to submit to a rapist out of terror or disorientation, it does not mean that she consents to the act. Consent is based on choice without threat and is active, not passive.

    Myth: Rape is an act of passion.

    Fact: Rape is an act of violence. Men rape, not solely for sex, but to feel power over another person.

    Myth: A woman can tease or lead a man on to the point that he can no longer control his sexual urges.

    Fact: Men who rape do not have a stronger sex drive than other men have. Rather, one third of all rapists were unable to complete the sex act. In most cases rapes are planned acts, not spontaneous urges. Both stranger and acquaintance rapists usually set up their victims—the stranger by stalking the victim until she is alone, the acquaintance by arranging a situation where she is isolated.

    Myth: Women lie about rape to get revenge on a man or because they feel guilty about having sex.

    Fact: False reports of rape occur at the same rate as for any other violent crime: 2 percent. On the other hand, researchers agree that rape is grossly underreported.

    Myth: A woman can “ask” to be raped by wearing provocative clothing, drinking alcohol, letting a man pay her way, or going to his home.

    Fact: Using bad judgment, being naive or ignorant, does not mean that a woman deserves to be raped. Rapists bear sole responsibility for the rape.

    *** g86 7/22 p. 29 Watching the World ***“Normal Reaction”?

    According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, “forcible rape” increased by 4 percent in the United States during 1985. New York City recorded the largest number of such rapes with 3,880 incidents reported, followed by Los Angeles with 2,318. Although authorities cite many factors as the cause, some experts maintain that “by their seductive behavior in dress, bodily movement and suggestive remarks, some women invite rape.” (TheGlobeandMail, Toronto, Canada) One man charged with raping a 16-year-old girl was sentenced by a Wisconsin judge to probation. Why? The judge concluded that the rape occurred as a “normal reaction” to suggestive clothing.

    This judge was in my area, the man (15) was a jw, and the girl (16) was too, going to the same HS but not involved with each at all at least at her end. The judge was recalled from office (first ever), the "boy" was not df'd, the girl was considered a liar, and bad blood between 2 congregations existed for 20 years. BTW the "girl" in question was not the type to wear miniskirts, etc., not that some jw girls did. He took her general beliefs of all women and smeared her with it.

    The reports concerned a juvenile disposition hearing presided over by then-Judge Simonson on May 25, at which Simonson was called upon to sentence a fifteen-year-old youth, who had previously pleaded no contest to a charge of second-degree sexual assault.1 .....(his comments are very interesting)

    Using bad judgment, being naive or ignorant, does not mean that a woman deserves to be raped. Rapists bear sole responsibility for the rape. A woman can “ask” to be raped by wearing provocative clothing, drinking alcohol, letting a man pay her way, or going to his home. False reports of rape occur at the same rate as for any other violent crime: 2 percent. On the other hand, researchers agree that rape is grossly underreported. Women lie about rape to get revenge on a man or because they feel guilty about having sex. Men who rape do not have a stronger sex drive than other men have. Rather, one third of all rapists were unable to complete the sex act. In most cases rapes are planned acts, not spontaneous urges. Both stranger and acquaintance rapists usually set up their victims—the stranger by stalking the victim until she is alone, the acquaintance by arranging a situation where she is isolated. A woman can tease or lead a man on to the point that he can no longer control his sexual urges. Rape is an act of violence. Men rape, not solely for sex, but to feel power over another person. Rape is an act of passion. Rape by definition takes place when force or the threat of force is used to gain sexual penetration, of any kind whatsoever, against a person’s will. It is the rapist’s use of force against an unwilling victim that makes him a rapist. Thus, a rape victim is not guilty of fornication. Like an incest victim, she may be forced to submit to an act she doesn’t want because of the perceived power held over her by another person. When a woman is forced to submit to a rapist out of terror or disorientation, it does not mean that she consents to the act. Consent is based on choice without threat and is active, not passive. A rape victim bears part of the blame unless she actively resists. Whether they physically resisted or not, few women show visible evidence, such as bruises or cuts. It’s rape only if a woman afterward shows evidence of resistance, such as bruises. The majority of women who are raped are assaulted by someone they know and had trusted. One study found that 84 percent of victims knew their attackers and that 57 percent of the rapes happened on dates. One out of 7 married women will be raped by her own husband. Rapes are violent and emotionally traumatic whether the attacker is a stranger, a spouse, or a date. Rape happens only when a woman is attacked by a stranger.

  • loosie

    Nice everything is the womans fault.

  • WTWizard

    Sounds like they are blaming victims of far worse than "sexual harassment". They blame victims for rape and being molested as children (and I refer to being molested as coming from both sides--by installing fear of sex in the first place, and then raping them). Often, the very hounders that make children afraid of their sexuality are the ones to then violate it, and then blame the victim. They threaten with disfellowshipping for "slander" if they report any part of these incidents to the police.

    Any scumbag that installs fear of sex on children and then proceeds to rape them, particularly since most of them do so with the view of ruining the children's lives, and then threatens them if they report it, deserves to be shot. I believe shooting is too kind for those who actually intend to ruin children's lives. And the scumbags that insist that it is the victims' fault ought to be tied to the back of a tow truck with a rope that is around 20 meters long, and that tow truck drag the scumbag down the Autobahn at 300 km/h. Perhaps anyone else that insists that these victims are at fault and incorporates that viewpoint into the official doctrine will think twice--those axxholes deserve torture.

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