Thank you for taking the time to check out my post,
I wanted to bring a series of YouTube videos to anyones attention that has interest in learning about Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ in contrast to what the Watchtower, Mormons, SDA, Baha'i and other similar legalistic works based relgions teach.
I think it would be beneficial for ones who may be questioning or want to be better equiped in reaching JW's with the Gospel message. Those who maybe feeling lost in what to believe, disallusioned with God because of religion, someone wanting to enter a personal relationship with Jesus but unsure where to start, or just to have a look. Their open to all.
Some highlights from them are...
- Help for those stumped on the the whole argument of Faith without Works that JW's, Mormons, etc. use from the book of James. Takes a close look at their trademark proof texts and puts them into context along with other scriptures throughout the Bible to explain Salvation by Grace not Works.
- Lays solid biblical expose that there is only one mediator between God and Man and that is Christ.
- Touches briefly on the dangerous pride and conditioned love found in organized religion contrasting it with what Jesus taught his followers.
- Shows the importance of Jesus and having a personal relationship with him.
- And a few other vital topics basic to starting a personal relationship with God.
It is a series of 6 videos and while I'm not the best at making videos through prayer I felt compelled to help current Jehovah's Witnesses, ex JW's, ones wanting to see the bible in a fresh view apart from Watchtower doctrine, or any one for that matter that may be helped in some way by it. If it helps but one person then it has done good.
The videos are not anti witness, mormon, etc. does not endorses any religion, nor do they seek to bash any individual as all people are loved equally in God's heart. Rather in a spirit of mildness and love it seeks to only show God's plan of salvation according to the Gospel of Jesus. They put the emphasis back on Christ instead of man, organized religion, or a denomination.
They can be found on my YouTube Channel at F.F.G. or on my website at under videos. My website is not fancy(I'm not the most gifted at computer tech. skills) but it's mainly just to upload videos to help others.
You can also check out the first in the Series at
Best regards and God Bless,