January 2013 warns parents to resist contact with df'd children again

by stuckinlimbo 70 Replies latest watchtower bible


    WatchTarded WatchTower God Says:

    Disown your Family..

    These AssH*les are your Family now!..


    ........................... mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Glander

    WTB&TS is shitting itself with fear of the internet. This coming at a time when they are struggling with no honest credibility, just raw control.

    Their days are numbered, not the worlds.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Thats a big hole in the reasoning of JW's TS. Simply leaving the door wide open would make it all a non issue. Otherwise, it becomes a big deal and they have to set up these various restraints, threats, whatever, to keep people from doing what the WT percieves as damaging.

    But as Fink stated, now they have to keep patching holes and building taller fences, which makes them even stranger to those on the outside.

    I guess it's another example of the "Law of unintended consequences"

  • Finkelstein

    Outlaw tells the actual truth in how the WTS. leaders mentally indoctrinate its members, in that they should abandon

    their real immediate family and create a new spiritual family relationship within the body of the organization.

    Brothers and sisters holding hands in supporting unison as it were.

    The on going proclamation that outside relationships are dangerously evil and that doing so may lead you astray and you know the

    WTS. wants to maintain their support, power and control over as many people they can, in spite of families breaking apart.

  • Finkelstein

    Sadly, some of this breaking apart of families has resulted in some individuals to commit suicide, these unfortunate particular circumstance have

    been noted here on this forum a few times.

    Once again the WTS. has shown an apathetic indifference toward its own pertaining involvement.

    Not a nice thing to point out but its the real unfortunate Truth.

    I myself have been out the Borg for more than 30 years and I occasionally hear of these circumstances, also

    of people who haven't actually talked to their parents or children for decades, because of the WTS. separating

    their families apart.

    Way to go Watchtower cunts.

  • watson
    "Do not look for excuses to associate with a disfellowshipped family member, for example, through e-mail.

    This doesn't look right. Email wouldn't be an excuse, but a "way" to associate with a disfellowshipped family member, right??

    An excuse might be, "well, with Sandy, I was checking up on them". Or, "I love them, and with the new baby, I just had to email them!"

    I'm wierd, I know..

  • Iamallcool

    wha happened, Guy Pierce and Anthony Morris have children.

  • jworld

    lets not forget this other gem!

    July 2009 Awake p29: “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.”

  • thecrushed

    This stuff makes my blood boil! H0w in the hell can they still get away with this BS?!!

  • Finkelstein

    July 2009 Awake p29: “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.”

    The WTS. is known to talk from both corners of their mouths, they say one thing but then they act in opposition to what they've said

    another time. An example of this is when a person decides to leave the JWS for another faith, their doctrine still insists

    that family members are not to associate or talk to theses ones who left and JWs will obey that instruction.

    Out of all the religions in the world, the JWs are in a group of religions that break families apart.

    They are in a group such as the Mormons, Amish, Mennonite, Scientology and more

    Interesting that more of the main stream Christian faiths such as the Catholics, Protestant, Anglican etc. aren't in that group.

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