i will give more details but i was honest about what i believed, talked about fds;born again and relgion. im busy now but will give good details soon! i really feel happy!
just talked to another elder! god is good
by unstopableravens 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I say enjoy it while you can.
I will keep checking this thread to find out your juicy details.
Unstop ..Are you an active JW ?
im not dfed i have not gone in over a month and i have been honest for years with the elders, im post the discussion soon ,im doing two things now,i would have left long time ago but was trying to get wife to leave,should have left and left in gods hand like i am now. lesson learned
*waits for details*
he text me last week ,about preaching i told him i talk about jehovah all the time, but keeping track of time is unbiblical, he said he wanted to talk with me ,he wanted to bring another elder i told him only one on one(so he can be honest when i showed him the truth) so we set up today. he came over we chatted about the ravens and then we talked about my family and what is going on with me no believing the wt. so at this point i showed him my letter from a few years ago to the wt about the fds being over all the belongings in 1919 and how is not bibilcal and what the bible really teaches.ask him like i did the other elder a few weeks ago who is the fds he said anoited, i showed him new light, he siad wow its alot to take in. he asked me about who is the 144000 i ask him how can 12000 figuative times 12 figurtive equal literally 144000 and if the 24 elders are the 144000 than how can they be before them at rev 14? he had no response. than i meantion that if jesus is not your personal mediator you cant have access to the father, and than asked him how can matthew 7:21-23 apply to jw since you have to be born again to enter the kingdom. he was speechless. there were other things but that was the meat. he said he will think about it.
You call a god who randomly kills innocent children a good God YHWH.
This god of the ancient Hebrews is a cold cutting serial killer of innocent children, sounds like your lying
about something or your totally ignorant about the Truth of this god .
READ your bible, don't listen to men who have their pressing agenda of their own
unstopable, great job my brother!
Don't worry, the next time he wants to meet with you it won't be a one-on-one. He'll ask for a three-on-one. The two-on-one is always a set up to the three-on-one. This way they have two witnesses to your apostasy and can proceed with the JC. Getting him one-on-one was good but I suspect next time it will be multiple brothers.