Part of this has been discussed to death on here but here goes.
Since waking up, I've read or listened to:
Crisis of Conscience
In Search of Christian Freedom
Combatting Cult Mind Control
The Gentile Times Reconsidered
Captives of a Concept
Freedom of Mind
I'd say that pretty well covers the bases for any leaving JW like myself. I never held my beliefs all that dearly, and now having begun to think critically, consider facts objectively and base decisions on that... I feel myself drawing towards atheism/agnosticism. Clearly evolution did/does happen. I hate ALL religion, it poisons everything.. Seriously. Show me ONE good one. I also feel that if there is a god, he's clearly lazy, heartless and doesn't deserve worship. He has some 'splaining to do if he ever decides to show up on the scene.
For a while I've tried to hold off on this because I feel that my views won't help me wake my wife up... I now see no point in denying it. I cannot believe in a creator. The bible is hardly worth the paper it's printed on.
So lets compile a list of books for someone in my situation, shall we? I have read/listened to so far:
The Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan
Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond
The Blind Watchmaker - Richard Dawkins
I have also downloaded The Greatest Show On Earth for after the blind watchmaker.
Where should I go from here? A few months ago I may have wanted to read some books about how the bible is bunk, but now I honestly don't care.