Hey all....
I recently heard the funniest prank....
A neighbour of mine came over, with a beer I might add.... nice fellow... and during conversation found out that I used to be a witness... he was asking me questions and then he got this funny smirk on his face... I thought it was something I said, so I asked him what I did.... he started laughing and said he was just remembering what he and a friend did about three years ago around christmas time....
I had been out of the borg for over a year at that point...
Apparently, these two pranksters... of course whilst drinking deeply of the barley and hops laden waters of life.... went to a Canadian Tire, bought $75 worth of Christmas lights (about $5 USD...lol) and in the wee hours of a Sunday morning... put them up around my old KH and lit them up for all to see when they came in for the 10 am meeting..... I asked around and apparently it's true!
Laugh! I thought I'd die!!!!! I would've paid money to see that....
Just thought I'd share that....
See ya