It should be
1. If we have listened to Herd, we will show it.
His demands oppress, and screw up our day.
It makes us unhappy to hear and to know it,
And we’ll be stressed if we know and obey.
2. This way of life, like a jail, is a sentence
With its endless rules and look!, no free time.
If we apply Letts’ hard line direction,
We’ll have a life which is mis-er-ab-le
3. Just as a tree dying from lack of water
whose leaves are brown and no fruit is bearing,
If we obey the whole Governing Body,
We’ll all be stressed and have endless sadness.
"Listen, obey, and be stressed
When you hear Splane's will expressed
If you’d be depressed and enjoy life less,
Listen, obey, and be stressed"
I know I'm no lyricist, but I'm rather pleased with this one anyway