Are JW'S "hated" in all the world? Or...are they considered IRRELEVANT?

by Terry 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Wathctower 90/1/1 p. 12 par. 8 “Not Ashamed of the Good News”

    While it is true that Jehovah’s Witnesses are hated and opposed in all the nations of the earth, this is in fulfillment of what was foretold to be an identifying mark of genuine worshipers of the one living and true God. (John 15:20, 21; 2 Timothy 3:12)

    From what I've seen and heard, the only time JW's are referenced publicly is as an annoyance and a joke.

    Or, as the sort of people who allow their children to die rather than receive blood transfusions.

    So, is there any merit in that Watchtower article (cited above)?

    In your personal experience and observations have you detected any "hatred" against Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I haven't!

    Well, one exception, at least: former members, ironically, are persecuted by active members!

  • designs

    Johnny Carson felt they were a great source for jokes over the years.

  • donny

    I haven't either Terry. After leaving the Society in September 1992, I was amazed how little the general public knows about JW's other than the blood issue and avoidance of holidays. I would have to vote for irrelevancy.


  • pontoon

    World is a big place so no blanket answer, but for the most part I think just irrelevant. Often disliked just because they wake up so many people on their day off. Some hatred, but some people hate Jews, Moslems, well.

  • Fernando

    Those not affected by (a cult or religion like) the Watchtower in some way, struggle to comprehend or care, I imagine.

  • carla

    Completely irrelevant in society and most do not even know about the blood issue. They are a mere annoyance once in a blue moon on Sat morning and quickly forgotten until a joke is said about them.

    What about their snazzy dressing to idenitfy them you ask? For years I would see cars of dressed up people and thought, 'oh, they must have a wedding far away and are car pooling or going to a Catholic early wedding mass or something'. It wasn't until my jw became one that I even realized they were cars full of jw's! haha

  • Heaven

    Irrelevant. Most people don't even know who they are. There are about 7 billion people in the world. JWs number about 7 million. Even the math says irrelevant.

    One of my former colleagues was amazed that they consider themselves Christian but that they don't believe everyone goes to heaven.

  • designs

    Their table booth campaign in Malls etc. is a way for them to keep in the public eye.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Definitely NOT hated in ALL the world. Though, there have been times that JW's have been hated in this country, eg non-participation in "Pledge of Allegience".

    JW's have been persecuted in other countries where there is religious intolerance. But again definitely NOT hated in ALL the world.

    And I think that Donny is correct in his statement that people do not know what JW's believe. (And JW's also don't have a clear picture of what they believe!)

  • finallysomepride


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