JW's on Christmas Day

by Jim_TX 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX

    My wife, my M-I-L and I were driving over to my wife's Aunt's home on Christmas Day to celebrate Christmas - which involved letting the aunt's great-great-grandkids open their presents, and eating an early supper (or late lunch).

    We were on the way at around 10:30am to 11:00am to the house. About a couple of miles away, whilst driving through the neighborhood, I spotted a couple of middle-aged young women wearing skirts down to their ankles, and carrying large handbags (aka 'bookbags'). They were between houses, and walking slowly... pioneer stroll?...

    Anyway, instinctively, I blurted out "witnesses".

    My wife sitting next to me in the car, and also saw them, said, "No way!"

    "Yes, way." I calmly replied.

    "On Christmas Day??!!" she asked incredously.

    "Oh, yes! Even on Christmas Day. It's considered a 'special day' for door-knocking." I replied.

    My wife studied with the JWs a long time ago - long before we met, so she knows a bit about them. She never got involved though, as she saw through their B.S., and discontinued studying with them.

    It's always fun discussing things like this with her, as sometimes I can still shock her a bit.

    I guess the really sad part is that I remember being the one walking to the homes on Christmas Day... New Years', etc. and waking up the nice folks behind the doors.


    Jim TX

  • ShirleyW

    Ah, the memories, being dragged out on a Holiday morning by a manic-JW mother going door to door.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I'm too lazy to go out on a holiday, but was asked this past Sunday if I wanted to join a group in going out in service yesterday. I declined and told them that personally I think it's disrespectful to show up at people's homes on Christmas day especially with people already knowing how JWs view Christmas. Not to mention how disrespectful it is to feature the following magazine!

  • thecrushed

    and they wonder why they get guns pointed at them at the door sometimes????? WATCHTARDED TO THE MAX!

  • james_woods

    Working on Christmas or Thaksgiving is obviously NOT to win converts.

    It is done to self-manifest the JW delusions of persecution and being "different" to the normal people in the world.

    It is done also to reinforce the cult mindset in the people who they coerce to do this work.

    Marching through the steps - it makes them better slave people.

  • ShirleyW

    Just wondering, decades ago Dubs used celebrate, I'm sure some of us here have seen the picture of the Xmas tree at Bethel dining room. What scripture did they used to verify celebrating, then what scripture are they currently using to say that Dubs shouldn't celebrate Xmas ?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it's very invasive and rude to knock on a door and present materials that basically call the householder, a pagan.

    Jw's have no sense of boundries

  • james_woods

    No scripture either way, Shirley.

    They simply changed their minds and told everybody what to do.

  • ShirleyW

    Well, since they always say that everything they do is from the Bible, was just wondering which scripture do they twist and turn to make it sound like Jesus' birth shouldn't be celebrated. Hope I run into some Dubs standing like statues getting in their hours in the subway station this week so I can ask them

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Why waste your time?

    I was in a "gung ho" congregation and there was always a big crowd out in service on Christmas. I just refused to participate. People would get fairly angry at being interrupted from their family time

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