My wife, my M-I-L and I were driving over to my wife's Aunt's home on Christmas Day to celebrate Christmas - which involved letting the aunt's great-great-grandkids open their presents, and eating an early supper (or late lunch).
We were on the way at around 10:30am to 11:00am to the house. About a couple of miles away, whilst driving through the neighborhood, I spotted a couple of middle-aged young women wearing skirts down to their ankles, and carrying large handbags (aka 'bookbags'). They were between houses, and walking slowly... pioneer stroll?...
Anyway, instinctively, I blurted out "witnesses".
My wife sitting next to me in the car, and also saw them, said, "No way!"
"Yes, way." I calmly replied.
"On Christmas Day??!!" she asked incredously.
"Oh, yes! Even on Christmas Day. It's considered a 'special day' for door-knocking." I replied.
My wife studied with the JWs a long time ago - long before we met, so she knows a bit about them. She never got involved though, as she saw through their B.S., and discontinued studying with them.
It's always fun discussing things like this with her, as sometimes I can still shock her a bit.
I guess the really sad part is that I remember being the one walking to the homes on Christmas Day... New Years', etc. and waking up the nice folks behind the doors.
Jim TX