are ministry ideaz book binders apostates cos its plastered all over the net haha?
are ministryideaz apostates?
by sneekyapostate 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I wonder, because I'd think many elders would get upset by someone making money from ministry.
I heard they are, but for reasons that should be obvious they don't like people to know about it.
I see plenty of ministryideaz products at the convention. What I wanna know, how did ministryideaz get ahead of the organization and have a bookbag with an iPod pocket ready to go?
one of the FAQ's is "are you apostates?" A: "Emphatically no"
been on here for years then.
A: "Emphatically no"
I would expect there is a similar answer on Tom Cruise's website to the question - "are you gay?"
can someone make it clickable
Not sure if their banner ads show up when you're on Simon's site or not, but they do for me. (Occasionally do click-throughs - hope you get a couple of shekels each time.)
I used them years ago, and know a number of Dubs that use them. If accurate, their homebase is a bedroom community outside of Simon's city. (A touch of irony.)
Some have posted that they must be, not just non-Dubs, but, shudder, APOSTATES !!! ( )
No matter what, their product line is getting interesting.
I always giggle when I see their ads on here. Yeah, I'm a guy and I said giggle, deal with it. Anyway, I always click their ads. I figure it costs them a few pennies on the ad revenue and makes this site a little over time. -
The witnesses here in Australia buy from Ministry Ideaz all the time. I found a receipt in the paper work of a JW household that I was minding. He is an elder in the congregation. I have seen others in the cong with items that come from that site as well. So it appears they are not apostate.
If they were considered to be, then there would have been some article, talk, special announcement made by now.