YoYO Mama a Hypocrite?

by JT 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    One of the most interesting thing that seems to happen to a loyal jw who comes onto a site like this is that by DEFAULT they become Hypocrites.

    now for many of us we were at least willing to "Concede" that we were hypocrites for being here, but then you go those "others" who just can't admit it about themselves>

    i thought this post by YoYO Mama is very interesting as he resoundly dogs a person, yet this poster does the very thing that he condemns

    only a jw could do this and think everything is OK:


    YO YO says:

    "Your sister said "Since you disassociated yourself".
    That's right you knew the consequences to your actions. So what did you think would happen? That they would disrespect Jehovah is order to associate with you. Not if they want to remain faithful to God. Boo hoo now you want to be part of the family and be at the wedding. Very convenient"

    Now this little statement here is so revealing:

    "That they would disrespect Jehovah is order to associate with you"

    now the thinking and reasoning person would ask:

    "YoYO are you not "Disrepecting" Jah by being here?"

    yet thier brain and mind has been so conditioned and programmed they rarely see the contridiction.

    This is why I personally love when JW post for it allows NONJW and even JW lurkers to see just how dishonest and hypocritical one must be in order to just to defend WT

    How sad-

    perhaps one day YO YO will realize it , but only time will tell

  • larc


    He is also very dishonest by posting under many names and playing with us. He might call it Theocratic Warfare. I call it the lowest of low life behavior on the internet. He is lucky to be here at all, by the grace of Simon who gave him a chance to straigten himself out.

    Yo Yo Mom/Mav has been shown mercy by the posters here and by Simon - a lot more mercy than he would been shown at the Hall for similiar offenses.

    It must bother him that we are relatively civil with him after all his wrong doing here. It is probably not what he expected.


    Hey, JT, if you ever travel to Detroit, please let me know ahead of time. Take care brother.

  • Quotes

    I think that YoYo's post was a response to my threads about being shunned from my sister's reception.

    I look at it this way: I can't be angry with YoYo, any more than I would be angry at a Branch Davidian, Heaven's Gate, Moonie, Jonestown, or Children of God member. YoYo is the victim, victim of a cult. He can't be blamed for his (lack of) thought process; it is not his own.

    His hypocrisy is particularly unusual, because technically his presence here is a violation of Watchtower policy. Really, YoYo should be treated by JWs the same as a witness who spends every evening at the local bar. Normally JWs demonstrate hypocrisy within the bounds of the religion.

    Of course, YoYo doesn't think he's in a cult. Neither did the Branch Davidians, Heaven's Gate, Moonies, Jonestowns, or CoG members. They were convinced, beyond all doubt, that they had found the true religion.

    Again, don't be angry with YoYo. Remember, we were at one time in the cult too.

    (I remember when I was in, and I was so sure that any accusations of JWs being a cult were so wrong. But now I know more about the subject, and have researched with an open-mind, I can see why the JWs are a cult.)

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:

  • VioletAnai

    Yo Yo is holding to his own ideas of what is right and wrong. I try not to bring anyone down, but uplift, not because I was taught this, but because it's in my, part of my personality. Eg. You can teach a child to clean their room once a week till they move from home. But if they've got a personality that likes mess, I'll guarantee you you'll still be nagging them to clean up when you visit them in their own home!!!!! We all have a level of responsibility. Just because the net is a supposed anon place, doesn't mean we should lose our etiquette, temper, open-mindedness....I concede that some aren't born with the wonderful gift that is openmindedness, but hey, it's not us that are missing out!

  • Beans


    Man you are so smart, I cannot imagine you ever being at Bethel with you smarts, how did they ever get you to stay in for so long?

    Quotes you are so humble yet so logical my brother!


  • Naeblis

    Yoyo is only good for ridiculing. He gets far too much credit on this board. He's a boring litle shit.

  • TR

    I agree with Naeblis.

    Yoyodipshit has been trying to play games, yet he gets to stay on the forum.

    JT deftly pointed out YoYo's hypocracy. Yet, Yoyo can't see the contradiction in his own statements, or he doesn't care because he's playing games. He deserves NO mercy. He's a little dickweed, and can kiss my ass.


  • butalbee

    Cool, a flame war smoldering......let the fire burn.

    Yo-Yo/SexyTeen/whoever the hell else/SUPER TROLL.

  • 2SYN

    Of course he's a hypocrite. According to his masters (yes, masters, anyone who's orders you cannot question is your master, MavMan) in Brooklyn, he is a dead man merely for visiting this site and reading the material on here. I personally don't even see why he bothers. Maybe he's just trying to take a last stab at us before he dies in '(H)Armageddon'.

    MavMan, we won't give you a break until you come clean about this stuff.

    But as you can see, we are a pretty forgiving community. You may piss us off sometimes, but we will usually not 'disfellowship' anyone unless they are really harmful and mean towards the others on this board. I mean, we even tolerated NYT for AGES! (Has his/her account been reactived?)

    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice!

  • biblexaminer

    I would ask all these GB defenders this question.

    Do you think that these religious fanatics whom you defend, will give you life?

    Yes, O wise GB defenders, do you perceive that the ones who hate you, whom you defend, will grant you life? Do you think that your precious GB, 'once they ascend to God's right hand' will suddenly change their point of view and find you righteous?

    You GB defenders are self deluded, for you have convinced yourselves that your leaders are misguided and YOU have made the wiser decision to come here to defend "Christ's brothers". But you ARE deluded, for those whom you defend would slit your throat and leave you to die in your own vomit.

    If you, on the one hand, are more righteous to defend them, even though they tell you NOT to, then how are you wise to defend those whom you, on the other hand, believe are in need of correction in their view of YOU?

    You are fools. The blind will lead the blind and both shall fall into the pit.


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