Someone asked what a truly annointed one is. Apparently it is only those who are GB members or serve closely along with them at World Headquarters, dispensing spiritual food. I believe they would love, love, love to officially say that you are not to partake unless you have served for a certain amout of time, in a certain capacity, and you have current GB approval. They just have not figured out how to do it yet.
They cannot allow sites like Annointedjw to continually influence the rank and file. Nor can they allow a continued increase. I would expect some refinements in the WT about what it means to be annointed. Any who do not fit a certain criteria will be marked by the rank and file, and the Elders. They will either recant or leave, the GB do not care which one happens. I would look for something like this before they resort to dropping 1914, it's easier. They can always say that those who left were serving with a date in view or were modern day Absaloms. This will by them more time to ponder any further doctrinal changes. The stress caused by persecuting those claiming to be annointed will have the families in the org so freaked out that any who cannot reason for themselves will cling to the GB's skirts just to make the pain go away. When the smoke clears, it's nu-light time. This could easily be massaged into the psyche of the r&f over the next decade.