Poll---How Many Are Facebook Users & On Average How Often Are You On That Site?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
  • moshe

    I canceled my real FB account over a year ago- I really got tired of feeding my narcissistic "friends", who made a big ta-do out of the most mundance events. A girl from my highschool was a snobby girl and even though she wanted me for a friend, it was really just to put another person in the bleachers to clap- and when her latest boyfriend took off, everyone was supposed to join in the pity party- I wanted to say- 'you have always been a stuck up-selfish person- nothing has changed, and now are dumpy with very gray hair and guys won't put up with your sh#t now.

    I activated a new FB account with a misspelled first name, so I could keep in touch with a couple real friends (check in once a week)- except now the "be my friend-do you know this person?" invites are getting on my nerves- I don't want to be friends with Tatyana from Russia or the IquanaMia mexican restaurant. I guess I need something called the

    FogeyBook, maybe that group would appreciate having a bad day with the escalator--

  • Glander

    I got into FB after our daughters wedding so I could see all the family pics from the event. I jumped out of FB a few months later because it was too intrusive into personal life. I am 3 years clean and sober.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I jumped out of FB a few months later because it was too intrusive into personal life.

    Your loss Glander. How else can you see endless cat pictures from your cyberfriends, and find out what they had for lunch earlier in the day?

  • Satanus

    I guess, being on there is totally normal for this generation. The last generation that hasn't died yet and us private types are being left behind. I'm just surprised at how few people worry about how their info will be used by facebook in the future. It basically has a life of it's own, once you put it on there. It's like those stone tablets from thousands of yrs ago. I think, in the future, all govts, corps and agencies will be having all that info as a routine resource. The way things are miniaturizing infinitely, in a few yrs, all facebook info could be compressed and carried on one little chip and carried around by anybody in their pocket.


  • Glander

    Your loss Glander. How else can you see endless cat pictures from your cyberfriends, and find out what they had for lunch earlier in the day?

    Get behind me, Satan!

  • mamochan13

    I"m on, but I rarely use it. I'm also unhappy about loss of privacy.

    However, I've recently become hooked on angry birds, and I can't access the Star Wars version on my phone (it's an older model and I can't get it to update), so I've gone back onto Facebook so I can play the online Star Wars version. What a time waster!

  • minimus

    Another person told me tonight she was thinking of closing her account.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I check it everyday. I also keep my facebook G rated. I keep up with family and friends, share pictures, etc.

  • mythreesons

    I'm on there everyday too...several times a day. I check it often when I post and people comment...maybe I shouldn't say anything on it and I wouldn't feel the need to check it all the time. LOL

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