Don't forget the in-and-out of running conventions. I think they come out ahead.
Excerpts from the Canadian Watch Tower Society 2011 return:
Charitable program $44,961,913 (91%)
To the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY US$ 17,674,654. [Is this payment for materials that the Canadian branch does not print? I suspect this is chiefly the cost of printing and transportation.]
Management and administration $4,119,349 (8%)
Professional and consulting fees [from the 8% above] $595,265 [I am guessing the rest is related to running the Georgetown facility and salaries.]
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $82,420 (0%) (Nine congregations in Canada)
[Towards the congregations building fund?]
REVENUE And before you start to feel too bad, revenue was $51,077,729. All but 5 million was from donations. That's an annual donation of about $400 per publisher.