PeacefulPete, I have not yet figured out how to go back to old threads. I will post them in a new thread.
Earlier I indicated that you are making a choice not to believe. Your last post makes that clear. That is your choice. I did not mention that Billions believed in God for the point of saying that makes it right, only to point out that the evidence that we say proves his existence is sufficient for billions of people. You want more more, or choose to ignore the evidence that is there.
From the Christian worldview we understand that man, through rebelling against God seperating us from him. The Bible says we are all born as sinners. Whether that is considered an original sin, or just the propensity to sin through our lifetime is not really the issue. You stated that you have wronged people in your past, so even if you were perfect until the first time you did that, you are now a sinner and have seperated yourself from God. Jesus, through his death and sacrifice has paid the price for that sin and reconciled you to God, if you believe in him. Giving you something that you do not deserve and can never earn is not arbitrary, it is loving and beautiful. But is not forced upon you, you make the choice.
I started this thread by extending the peace of this holy week to everyone and I repeat that now. God Bless to all of you.