and armageddon - the "loving readjustment of mankind's population" that is priceless!!!!! thanks for the humor!!!!
Some funny/curious quotes from the 2013 Yearbook (part 1)
by cedars 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
breakfast of champions
Okay, my wife read it and said she hopes elders read this:
While elders are authorized to counsel and even to discipline, they do not seek to dominate or to control the life or faith of others.
I found the sentence before to be a pretty naïve statement:
"Within the Christian congregation, we clearly understand the matter of free will."
There isn't an intelligent person on the planet who has EVER clearly understood free will!
Overall, my wife was not particularly impressed one way or another. She hasn't developed the ear for "cultspeak" - yet. . .
"Within the Christian congregation, we clearly understand the matter of free will. While elders are authorized to counsel and even to discipline, they do not seek to dominate or to control the life or faith of others. (Letter from the Governing Body, page 5)
That one must be a new understanding, the light getting brighter I suppose.
The Bible Students of 1913 already had answers to 'what would happen in the fall at the end of the Gentile Times?' and 'what was in store for 1914?'.
Yah, but it doesn't matter what they said then because Jesus chose them as God's Organization in 1919 (1918?), CT Russel was nothing more than somebody who had a strong faith like other ones Watch Tower refers to throughout the centuries.
Why did Jennifer McDonel who was killed by Joe Palcynzsky not survive? She was on her way to the Kingdom Hall. BTW, she was pregnant.
breakfast of champions
If you are on your way to the Kingdom Hall or out in service and happen to get killed, it's probably because you were secretly sinning.
Dissonance reduced!
This was the comment I posted on the fb group
Jehovah didn't protect Jennifer McDonel and her pregnant child when her and her husband was on the way to a meeting. She was killed by Joe Palcynzsky in MD. What about all the Witnesses that suffered in concentration camps? The ones in the countries without freedom of religion? The Witness children that are still getting bullied? I'm very disheartened that no one is showing compassion for the great loss of life that this tragedy caused. Aren't Jehovah's people supposed to be loving? Reread these comments. They sure make Jehovah seem petty and selfish.
Uh oh, I think I've been found out! My comment is still there, though. *snicker*
Someone tried to friend me. My profile is private so only my name and picture comes up for non-friends. Another commented and wanted to know if I was apostate. Interestingly, no one has yet to show compassion for the victims.
pure bloody arrogance!
this is another time when jehovah protected his faithful, oops; they were not at the meeting,, i remember was opening a new branch or hall, something like that...
many of the below were branch staff and country overseas,,
where was jehovahs hand here? surely jah would protect his high up overlords?
Jehovah's Witness Missionaries Die in Bus Crash - Topix 3 posts - 1 author - 23 Jan 2007
At any rate, all total six died and 17 were injured when their minivan was hit head on by a truck. ... The Witnesses were returning to Kenya from Uganda,
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"With a computer or mobile
device, users can quickly access our publications at in over 440 languages." p.18Don't they realize that most of those people may not have computers or mobile devices? They sound like they're trying to brag about how much they have exclusively on their website that won't be in print. Most in my old cong are either computer illiterate or don't have high-speed access. And since WT had previously spent so much effort on condemning the web, what are dubs like these supposed to think now?