so when do the JWs tell now that the end is to come since the other dates were wrong, anyone know?
the end of this system
by rnovello 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Well, Jehovahs speaks through the Bethelites in Brooklyn, so THEY know the end is near of course--and YOU don't question it cuz they are always right, always right, always true...
Yep, it's a coming, the end is near, all the signs are there, all the hardship in the world is indication.
What a bunch of bullshit.
Bloody long corner isnt it!
I'm not sure about the JWs, but scientists studying the sun figure around about 5 billion years I think. Could be sooner, but who knows.
I don't think I'll be asking the JWs though - doesn't seem sensible, and it's not for me to worry about anyway - isn't that christianity?Bang
You Know
Any day now is about as close as we can nail it down. / You Know
When will the end come?
Jesus said no one knows the time but it will come ....AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.
If he himself said this....why would we try and guess when this would be?
2000They can never QUITE nail it down, can they? The next 'prediction' should be along shortly.
[SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice! -
YK, explain Luke 21:8 please
the end of what system ?
The Roman empire
The old Israel
The old Jerusalem
The old people of God
and so on
are finished a long time ago
do you meen the world it self ?Christ rules as of the resurrection !
Nathan Natas
Armageddon came right on time as predicted , in 1975, but it was an INVISIBLE, SPIRITUAL, SYMBOLIC event with far-reaching (though elusive) consequences for earth.
Paradise is being restored even now - a fig tree grows in Brooklyn.
Probelm solved!
Party on! Break out the Kool-Aid!
- Nathan Natas, UADNA
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)