my personal experience leads me to beleive this is real and "indirectly" supported by the liason committee for use where children are so young they cannot make a stand for themself.
If a parent or guardian is a JW, the courts position is that the child is NOT a JW since they have not made that decision for themself. Hence the court will provide treatment exactly as outlined in the letter.
If a newborn infant is in critical care, the parents will NEVER "win" a battle against blood, a judge will come right to the hospital and allow the hospital to provide any medically necessary treatment allowable by law. After the treatment is complete they will return guardianship to the parent.
I spoke personally with doctors who agreed personally with me to act in a manner exactly as this LOU directs. Respect the JW stance on blood until you absolutely can't anymore, then, do whatever you need. They knew I would not fight blood if it came to that and the dr's were fantastic about this. they allowed RBC counts to go right to the limit and never needed to transfuse, but I am certain if I were a believing JW with intention to fight they would have brought in the judge to be prepared and RBC would have been transfused. I am certain of it!
The fact is the dr's are going to give your child blood if it needs it, this letter actually helps JW's since the dr's know they won't have a fight on their hands and tie up 6 hours waiting for a juge to order care, the dr's know they can wait until absolutely necessary to pull the trigger on blood instead of padding the decision based on needing court intervention.
the WTS benefits as they do not need to tie up lawyers in a fight they know they cannot win, and they remove the burden of guilt from the parents since they have maintained the no blood stance but have accepted/acknowledged that the hospital will take custody of the child so why bother fighting.
The WTS will never put their letter head on this, but for sure, the HLC will reveiw this letter that the "worldly hospital" printed and give the parents the needed warm fuzzy hug from Jehovah they need to sign it and save the society the legal battle and potential liabilty