Connie- you are not the first to have different rules apply to you in your own family. My siblings are baptized but evaded the elders and are not disfellowshipped. They and their significant others are treated as family. My just not going to meetings has turned into the occasional battle of wills with bitter arguments about my daughters and my impending death at Armageddon. The hypocrisy disturbs me greatly especially since I was always the good child and still am. I just refuse to allow MEN to act as the Pharisees did and try to rule my life. It may not be fair. It may not be right but you are a big girl now so put on your big girl pants and suck it up or leave. You have those 2 choices.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie 174 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You will get no sympathy from me by coming on here with this kind of attitude. Get your head out of your ass and stop being a self righteous bitch. I think it's great that your parents have ignored the "shunning rule" because it is draconion and causes many to commit suicide. I take serious offense at your hatred of the downtrodden such as drug addicts and mentally defective people. The shunning policies keep these people that are suffering from getting the professional help that they need more often than not. I understand your frustrations but you need to realize that this is a CULT you are in and nothing will change till you figure this out.
I think you have been coddled by an organization that has rewarded you by learning to ignore fellow-feeling. You won't give it up because of the lucrative business contacts you have gained. You are in a cage of your own making, and all you have to do to escape is open the door and fly away.
And you blame the birds flying free?
I am a mother and grandmother with two adult children, one who could be a poster-child for a WT cover and the other who has a severe mental illness and is a recovered drug addict. Because I was never a Witness, I know how to love and give to both my children each in the way that is best for them. My JW husband adores one and spurns the other. I'll leave it to your imagination which one he pays attention to. If I had shunned my son, he would be lost to me today, possibly dead. I won't have that on my conscience.
Your resentment is so deep-seated I have no idea how to help you wade through the red-hot maze of your hate.
I think AuntConnie seriously needs professional help before she has a breakdown! I am not being sarcastic here, but believe you are in need of immediate help! You sound like someone who is at the end of their rope, and I feel for you. Please consider seeking out a professional's help soon. No one but your husband has to know. And please stop pioneering. I know not all elder's wives pioneer. Just say you are exhausted, and might need some time for your parents. You can say you will start again later. Don't take guff from anyone who is not pioneering themselves! You owe no explanations!
Crisis of Conscience
I'm not buying this story one bit. For someone that talks about "Jehovah's clean organization", she sure has a filthy, hateful potty mouth.
Is this a sick joke? Sounds demented for a "follower of Christ".
.........Wait. Is that normal?
You are definitely hurting.
I hate that your brother had an addiction that required a lot of your mother's attention. Her behavior brings both Luke 15:3-7 and Matthew 18:12-14 to mind.
I hate that the anchor you should be able to rely on (your husband) is being used up by everyone else you now have to tolerate. I hate that the elders who are required to encourage the shunning behavior are now judging you.
I hate that you're alone.
" she sure has a filthy, hateful, potty mouth."
I've known a few "sisters" with filthy potty mouths, my mother being one of them. Being in the bOrg is no guarantee of not ever hearing of a potty mouth within the rank and file.
Welcome, AuntConnie!
I hope this forum helps you even just by letting you vent. By doing so you are also helping lurkers who still partly or fully believe that jws have all this "love amongst themselves".
There are a lot of rough spots in your life. How do you think losing your mother will help with them?
Keep posting and reading, and I sincerely hope things become clearer for you.
Do you have ANY real friends who are outside of the organization that you feel safe with? Being here will help you, but I really think you need to talk to someone.
Did you ever stop to think maybe this cult had something to do with some of your family having issues with alcohol and drugs????? THESE ARE COPING MECHANISMS TO DEAL WITH THE CULT AND OTHER MENTAL DISORDERS!!!! Jesus would have spent his time with those that needed a doctor like your screwup brother. Your living proof that this cult breeds HATE and not LOVE.