Dawkins had a Rick Perry moment
"The arrogance and intolerance of the atheists, exemplified by Prof Dawkins, is their Achilles heel"
by Lozhasleft 41 Replies latest jw friends
Mayb it was a Roger Clemens "misremebering" moment.
So? I don't get it! Is this supposed to be a headline or is it just a bad news day for the media?
Someone doesn't remember a book title or sub title?
So what?
I'm sure Richard Dawkins is the ONLY person in the known universe to forget a sub title of a book. Wow! He must be from Satan.
That's ok, God forgot how to communicate with humans. He forgot we'd have to deciper archaic languages of where no originals exist. He forgot to make it obvious which holy book is the right one. God forgets to answer prayers.
Oh, and by the way, God will burn you in hell if you forget to love him.
Cedars -
Chapter 1: Love-making... finch style
On second thoughts, chapter one should really be titled: "Survival of the fittest: selecting your mate"
Cedars -
"Survival of the fittest: selecting your mate"
Here is the evidence...........
As phizzy said Origins is hardly the equivalent of the bible or koran, no one has killed or started wars in the name of Darwin, no one has tried to dictate how you should live your life, or how you should have sex based on Origin of species.
True enough. Except insofar as every war is a Darwinian war -- competition for resources, murder of rivals, racist hatred, the joy of domination, etc., etc. All of these find their basis in pretty straightforward evolutionary biology. Of course, biologists are hardly to blame for any of this, but it's worth reflecting on the basic human drives that cause all these things we think are outrages. The atheists like to blame religion for acts that really belong to the human condition, generally. An observation that evolutionary biologists keep supporting.
Except, punk, it would seen both Wilma and Betty could have done substantially better than they did. Paleolithic love is a mysterious thing.
Sulla - I thought Betty was hot!
Dawkins doesnt know the full title of an old book = atheists are arrogant and intolerant and stupid
great logic...