I got a call today on my cell phone today from an elder (I am disfellowshipped)... said I hadn't been seen in a while at the KH. I said yes, thats true, that the most recent incident regarding his daughter's treatment of my daughter has caused me to not come. It was the last straw.
"Are you going to take it out on Jehovah?" was the question.
I said, "NO, but I am trying to rectify how people who claim to be JW's can do what they did. I am trying to rectify the fact that despite their behavior YOU can still call them JW's."
I said, "At the last meetings I attended I heard that df'd people were: wicked, unrepentent and unwilling to change their course of life" I heard remarks of this sort over and over again in the last months that I recently attended. I told him I can't sit there and hear this over and over and yet it not be true.
I told him that I was repentant, I was not continuing to sin. I still didn't understand why I was being df'd. I said Yes, I understand to whom much is given, much is expected. And on those terms I can accept it. On the other terms, the local needs, that df'd ones are wicked, unrepentent and unwilling to change, that I can't accept.
That when I attended all the meetings and cried my heart out and when I finally couldn't go anymore because I was too embarrassed to go to the bathroom to get more kleenex....thats when I know what they did is wrong. That I have not continued in a bad course, I just failed to tell for 2 years.
He admitted.........yes those remarks are wrong, but what am I going to do?