My brother, God rest his soul, got sucked into Amway by one of his brothers-in-law. He spent a lot of money going to rallies and national conventions/meetings on the east coast somewhere (Charlotte, North Caronina I think). Not only did it keep him on the hampster wheel of pushing the product and expanding his "business" he was influenced by them into becoming a born-again Christian by the group he was affiliated with. He never made a cent after several years in it. Thankfully, he eventually woke up to the scheme and dropped Amway along with the religion. His relationship with that BIL was never quite the same.
by enigma1863 81 Replies latest watchtower bible
If the products were such a damn good value for the money, you would be buying them off the shelf at the grocery store.
arent you the guy who has a thing for luxury cars?
Where do you buy your groceries? 99 cents?
Actually, as I understand it, they give you a ring if you earn more than $100k, $250k, etc. in regular income, so it's not a $250k bonus. This is all part of trying to lure you in. They prop up these couple of people across the country who earn six figures and make you think anyone can do it, when probably over 99% of sales reps won't get 250k
250k means you either won that bonus or made 250k .... Poor stupid people..... What do you for a living anyway
Darth frosty: been in 7 in the past 4 years.... I didnt make any money with the first one .... Because i didnt really do anything.... Started from the bottom in all of them but have been taking notes.... Extensive notes. I get monthly checks from 4... And with the last on, the current one.... The "lexus" cult have done so far over 12k in 4 months growing by 30% per month, got an ipad an a stupid lexus :)
250k means you either won that bonus or made 250k .... Poor stupid people..... What do you for a living anyway
I do something that requires far better comprehension and writing ability in the English language than you evidently possess. You said in an earlier post that the $250k ring award was a $250k bonus. I corrected you and said it was merely an award recognizing the earning of $250k in income, not a separate $250k bonus on top of income. You did not seem to understand. I suggest you read my earlier post again, but more slowly this time.
The MLM business is definitely cultish...some more than others.
I was a Mary Kay rep and became one when I was a JW. And I realized how similar the two were, when I left the JW. I was very involved with my Mary Kay business and was even given the chance to work my arse off for a car (they do not give them to must keep your production #'s up). ....I was missing the meetings and my Director call to see why I had been missing meetings. She stated that when I have a great week with sales/recruits, etc...the meetings need me, but when I had a bad week, I needed the meetings. When she said that my PTSD kicked in and I never attended a meeting since. And as you would know, my director would call me about everyday to see how I was doing, I thought we were really friends. But after I quite working the MK business, she basically disfellowshipped me. when friends/family that you have not heard from in years call with these great opportunities...I usually know it's one of the great MLM opportunities and I simply decline. Two cults in one lifetime has been enough for me.
I do something that requires far better comprehension and writing ability in the English language than you evidently possess.
Are you an english teacher? Or what? :) does attacking my language skills increase your income? Thats a good way to avoid my question. Fwi I learned english by talking on the phone.... 15 years ago... How many languages do you speak?
CJ - I would not have made that comment if I had known that English was not your first language. However, to be fair, you did directly call me "stupid" in your previous post when the problem appears to have been your failure to understand the message I conveyed.
250k means you either won that bonus or made 250k
not clear? "Either" no bueno?
Sigh... yes, the words you wrote are correct, CyberJesus. However, BEFORE you posted that, I had already written that "t hey give you a ring if you earn more than $100k, $250k, etc. in regular income, so it's not a $250k bonus", thus acknowledging that it represented $250k in income. Therefore I did not need to be corrected. However, you insisted on correcting me anyway, making a statement that was not inconsistent with what I had already said, and then called me stupid on top of it. That is the part that is no bueno. Not the clarity of your post.