Way to go! LITERALLY!!!!! *grin*
First public talk as an "apostate"
by Borges 17 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Wow! You can finally put all that public speaking training to good use.
Oh I love to apostasize. Have fun telling the truth, something you were not allowed to do at the Kingdom Hall.
Excellent! Well done to you. What a fine opportunity.
Loz x
Don't forget to pray for the HS to help you............
Don't forget to wear a jacket !!!
Can you get someone to video this and put it on YouTube for us to see?
Hi everyone,
thanks for your comments!
Mr. Falcon - "What point of counsel are you working on?"
The one that wasn't on the counsel-slip : SPEAKING THE TRUTH
problemaddict - "So what will you discuss that you think will resonate with your audience and get them to write about you?"
I don't want anybody to write about me (I'm doing this by myself already). This meeting is about information and is one of the many attempts to draw the attention of the public to the damages cults are doing. And I've got some first hand experiences to share.
BtheE - "You can finally put all that public speaking training to good use."
Yeah, finally. That's btw one thing I really appreciate regarding my jw-past. Little Borges gave his first Bible-Reading when he was six years old. So reading or speaking in front of an audience is nothing that fears me.
notjustyet - "Can you get someone to video this and put it on YouTube for us to see?"
Don't know if there will be made videos. But all the parts of this meeting will later be published in print.
I'll keep you informed.
Thanks again to all of you!