Be Careful, Demons are in EVERYTHING!

by TeenageInsider 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Yes, I was attacked by "demons" as a young kid.

    My mother thought everything in the world was demonized, and drilled "DEMONS DEMONS DEMONS" into my head.

    So, I went to sleep over a JW friend's house, and when the lights went out, thousands of demons started appearing under my covers! Little scary demonic sparks lighting up everywhere.


    My friend tried to explain it away as "static electricity," but I knew better.

    My friend's parents called my parents to pick up their whack-job son who thinks that static electricity is demons.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    oh yeah. music was demonic too. except for country

    I remember her destroying my brother's cassett tapes. he learned quick to hide them. she also made us get rid of Zelda. NES version because of the magic

  • dazed but not confused
  • TeenageInsider

    Lol @BreakfastOfChampions

    I have tons of JW sleepover 'demonic' stories. I'd love to tell them, but they'd give me away for sure. :(

    And yes!! the old "JEHOVAH" trick! haha Works EVERYTIME! ..... not.

  • kozmo

    Oh, ya! My mother, bless her deprted heart was the same. Don't bring the Demons into the house. She learned the truth, as it were, in the late 40's early 50's. Once she learned that the Demons were everywhere, we didn't dare bring something old or from an old friend or relative that was worldly into the house. They had demons attached. I never saw one, nothing. However, I got a little racy here awhile ago, few years in fact, and just to make a point of it, I DARED Satan or any on those folks, to show themselves or make a manifestation to me that they DID exist. Guess what?

    POOOOF! Nothing happened. Now, wouldn't you have thought that me being who I am and was, that they would have said, " OK , WE'VE GOT A LIVE ONE HERE, LET'S SHOW HIM!

    Thank you very much!


  • TeenageInsider

    KOZMO! Same here!

    I turned off all my lights! Said bloody mary, SCREAMEd for a demon to come and show himself! waited. repeated. waited.

    Nothing. Nothing at all. My conclusion as the scientific theory states:

    "If you cannot see it, feel it, touch it, sense it, smell it, taste it, hear it, or measure it in any way... It is simply insanity to state that it exists."

  • mrsjones5

    "Has anyone ever experienced a demon? or seen one? just asking..."

    Nope, and I have Stephen King books (among others of a dubious nature for a dub) in my home.

  • InterestedOne

    One of my JW acquaintance's proofs of demons is that one time, when she and her friend were driving down the highway, the street lamps started turning off. She is convinced a demon was following her friend through electricity. She won't talk to me anymore, but if we did talk, I would try to explain that those lights are on an energy-saving program and turn off periodically. I doubt she would believe me though. I suspect she thinks I have a demon and am trying to trick her - you know how crafty those demons are.

  • Finkelstein

    Religious beliefs cause many fears, superstitions and ignorances and not just from Christianity alone.

    My parents who were JWS were somewhat like this, for example we weren't allowed to watch the comedy television show Be Witched

    because they thought it was demon influenced.

    Since the WTS./JWS uses plenty of FEAR to attract attention to its literature distribution agenda, many people who get involved

    with this religion develop strange and adverse phobias about things they would mostly never mentally perceive by themselves.

    Old pictures or just about anything old and when you really want to scare the pants off them grab something from a old church like a cross.

    They wont go near it like a bright light to a vampire.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    TI: I'm happy to tell you... Demons aren't real. Now, don't you feel better?

    I recommend The Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan. Very interesting read. Or if you don't feel like reading, watch some videos on YouTube about it.. I'd start with Fear and faith with Derren Brown.

    Our brains can construct some amazing things.

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