On the Eve of 2013, Predictions

by breakfast of champions 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Not predictions for 2013 per se, but a couple I could see happening in the not-too-distant future:

    The Society takes the hundred year anniversary of 1914 head-on with more spin and disinformation. Already laid the groundwork with the "100 Years Ago" feature in the new yearbook. "If we write it, they'll believe it." It has worked for decades.

    The annual Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses will be discontinued in book form. Now it will be a downloadable 30 minute video presentation highlighting the worldwide brotherhood and preaching activity. Everyone will watch it together and discuss at the Service Meeting. The worldwide statistics will either be missing, or scroll by really quickly like ending credits

  • flipper

    My predictions for 2013 : Many people on the planet will live to see 2014, some will not. It won't be because of the " end of the world " though. It will be because we are healthy enough to survive another year or our health went south and we happen to die in 2013. Some may get murdered or die in accidents and others will live in great health - but I'll repeat the year 2014 WILL COME and there will be no END of the world ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • metatron

    The Society will announce one or more changes that are radical enough to get even the most zombified Witless upset.

    The economy will sputter along and the Euro will endure for another year amidst hopeless misery.

    The power and dominance of central governments around the world will slip noticeably, even while the elite keep up the pretense.

    There will be exposure of various shocking scandals involving personal conduction by world leaders involving children - even murder.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I predict a WTS major money scandal involving persons associated with the Legal Dept. The WTS is a legalism/organization based religion who has given way too much power & influence to lawyers. Too much WTS religious falsehood, too many laywers, and too much money involved, before somebody is tempted to get out of Dodge with a wagonload of money. If the WTS swims with sharks, they connot continue to keep from getting bit.

  • 00DAD

    Interesting ideas BOC.

    We'll have to come back in a year or so and see how close your predictions came to being true!

    BTW, is your avatar Kurt Vonnegut?

    I've been meaning to ask you for a while!


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    1st of all, I predict that all the members of the GB will be having a bowel movement in the next 24 hours.

    The Society takes the hundred year anniversary of 1914 head-on with more spin and disinformation. Already laid the groundwork with the "100 Years Ago" feature in the new yearbook. "If we write it, they'll believe it." It has worked for decades.

    Absolutely. I handle the sales and marketing for my company. I would take an issue like this and hide it in the best place possible. Right in front of you. I would embrace it and celebrate it and the rank and file will follow suit. "Imagine being alive during the 100 year anniversary of God's kingdom on earth." A WT that shows humble beginnings and the huge netwrok of technology and brothers around the world. It's just to easy.

    I think any negative statistics will be removed in the future. They don't announce how many people are df'd every year, and yet no one asks.

  • rebel8

    My predictions

    A new app will be released for iPhones that emits demonic laughter, to repel jws whenever they approach, featuring Michael Jackson's voice howling and cackling key words such as "Tupperwaaaaaaaaaaaare" and "Spaaaaaaarlock".

    Ben and Jerry's will produce a limited edition ice cream flavor: Brainwash Brain Freeze, chock full of 1914 tiny cubes of donuts from field service breaks.

    Comedy Central will air a made-for-tv movie, The Walking Dead, poking fun at the failed Armageddon prophecy and the dubs' belief that all outside their religion are doomed. It will star Will Ferrell as a professional window washer and elder, who moonlights as a deaf interpreter on wt videos about masturbation. Sparlock will have a role as well.

  • jgnat

    The WTS will not introduce any modified doctrines, but will be hardline about doing more, and shunning the "weak".

    The US will avert the "fiscal cliff".

    The NHL will not come to an agreement in time for a hockey season for the winter of 2012/2013.

    More radical weather.

    A new society, the "Cold Earth Society" teams up with the "Flat Earth Society" to prove that we really haven't been to the moon and Mars, and that the melting polar ice caps are a fake.

    10,000 species will go extinct this year.

    A Dodo bird will be genetically engineered back in to existence.

    Telehealth will surge ahead in 2013, for patients with chronic health conditions like COPD, diabetes, and heart disease.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    00DAD - yes, that is indeed Kurt Vonnegut. I remember seeing his name on a list of banned authors at the library and thinking "I should check that guy out."

    As far as the predictions, if none of them come true, I figure I'll just turn around and blame my audience for reading too much into what I say

  • notsurewheretogo

    The date of 1919 will be changed...

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