The Statistical End Of The Disciple-Making Work?

by metatron 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    You guys with the stats feel free to correct me but it appears to me that we are within a hairsbreadth of the statistical end of the preaching work (as a disciple making activity).

    If the world rate of publisher increase is 1.9% - and the estimated world population increase is 1.09%, then we are extremely close to the point at which the increase of the JW Organization is entirely due to making babies. The work of gathering disciples from the public has ended statistically.


  • cofty

    Sounds logical to me.

    It assumes the JW babies at least stay in long enough to become counted as publishers.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    not really, 1.9% is way off 1.09% - almost double

  • jwfacts

    You are not quite right, for the reason that a large portion of babies do not stick with the religion. They need to continue the preaching work to replace their own fall-away children.

  • jam

    I see new Light. Genesis 1;28 " Be fruitful and multiply

    and fill the earth and subdue it". That will be the only

    way that commandment will be fulfill. Without the numbers

    they certainly won,t be able to subdue it. LOL

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I have a feeling that a +1.9% is going to look really good to them in a couple of years.

  • metatron

    So, what then? Jehovah keeps the world in existence and delays Armageddon for the sake of a 0.81 percent increase? When do we enter the margin of error arena?

    The angels are holding it back for that? Let's toss in the increase that comes, not from the door to door work, but from incidental witnessing at work or to relatives.

    Again, it looks like disciple making as a public work, door to door, is dead - or very nearly ended.

    Gee, I wonder why they took the radical step of cutting the magazines to 16 pages this year? You think they know where this is all going and that led to the "Half Awake", et al. ?


  • frankiespeakin


    ''''Gee, I wonder why they took the radical step of cutting the magazines to 16 pages this year? You think they know where this is all going and that led to the "Half Awake", et al. ?'''''

    Internet is the reason, why waste paper and cut down the forrest when you can use electronic hook ups on the net. Thier primary source of income has been getting JWs to peddle thier mags and ask for money be it contribution or price offer. The internet is phasing out magazine sales unless it Time or Midnight it seems.

    Poor business planning and slow to get into another type of money making scam is what is behind the down sizeing, but it seems too little too late for the WT corporation mode of operudi.

  • metatron

    In regard to their endless cutbacks, when do they end? Or how do they end?

    Going to the 'net for preaching leaves the 8 million publishers doing what exactly? Maybe they dump the magazines entirely and then? Say 'the servers got that covered'?

    Go door to door with tracts indefinitely and pretend it accomplishes anything concrete? Does that happen?

    Is it possible that they have created an organization doomed by its own inertia to keep cutting back in expectation that the End is months away, as evidenced by statistics ............................and then get caught waiting for Armageddon?

    I followed a number of web sites that expected miracles on Dec. 21. There's a lot of disappointed, pissed off people out there now

    but that ain't nothin' compared to what seems to be approaching for Witlesses.


  • clarity

    Hi metatron......

    Again, it looks like disciple making as a public work, door to door, is dead - or very nearly ended.

    Gee, I wonder why they took the radical step of cutting the magazines to 16 pages this year.


    Wow, just saw my first 16 pager W OMG no substance at all!

    When you pick it up it almost flips in the air!


    Then on the cover is an illustration of a jw standing beside

    her rack of jw lit, out on a dusty old street.


    Good dog what next. What in the world do they have to say

    to the people they talk to?


    Maybe "Hey join us and get your own rack 20% off!!!!!!!

    What possible "sermon" could they use these days!


    Guess they could set up a table at Wal Mart ... could be more

    condusive to preaching about the kingdom? (bring your own table!)


    Maybe get together with the Girl Guides and offer free

    magazines with every 2 boxes of cookies!


    They are so finished making anything!

    Soooooo glad to be o u t.


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