I think that everything is good or bad depending on your filters... So i let you decide
1/1/12 woke up with a hang over, and went to had a fantastic mexican breakfast
1/1/12 after talking on th phone with my gf in argentina my intuition told me she was sleeping with someone over there
i lived until april on the best apartment of my life... Rent was $4k per month my son came to visit every week
i broke up with my gf in april.. She kept the business and the money. I kept the experience and the knowledge. She was good at business, networking and other stuff.
i had -300 on my bank account, and no credit by may
i started my new business in may and learned how to have a 30% increase every month. I started with zero (for the 4th time in my life) but this time i am a master of compound growth.
On july i found a beautiful ukranian girl. She loves sex more than me and i am not a prude per say.
in august my daughter stopped talking to me...
Same month i moved with my gf to an apartment on the beach.
i sold my cnvertible car to pay bills.
November i started two more businesses, still income not enough but constant growth.
i got a free Lexus car and helped 1 more person get one.
december i am working harder than ever in my life. Finnally i love being ambitious. And now i am working hard on my new skill.
2012 did the most practical connections of my life. Did 3 commercials and 3 movies. Any money i had went inmediately back to pay bills. I have $700 in my checking account. I have my driving license back.... The only fantasies i believe is the ones i choose to make in my mind and almost always can turn them into reality.
I finished the year working hard and start it already with momentum.
i am free.
There is no good or bad..... It just is. And IS, its fascinating.