When do new one year regular pioneers attend the pioneer school every year? What month?
by Iamallcool 11 Replies latest jw friends
(double posting)
funny, i read that as " when do new one year regular pioneers attend the prisoner school every year?"
the whole world has gone fuc#%g nuts and it really does sadden me....i went awol for a few years into my own world, i come out to find the jw's are sniping each other as if the entire jw experience was some kind of desperate house wives episode....then i leave....i come on this msg board and i see more of the same.....thank god at least a handful of people still have their shit wired tight, which almost makes me believe we are headed for some kind of cataclysmic world event...that will save a few and get rid of the rest.....and no, even though i would probably be one of the few, i am still not for this....i feel like life is something worth saving, and when people work together it is good and can benefit all parties...
you know what the whole world has turned in to? there was an old mash episode where this chic named "carlie"(I think), well carlie could not get laid...so they sent her to hawkeye .....seems she was always making a disaster of everything and could never get into any rythm.....so basically hawkeye said to her something like, 'do you think maybe you are just hurting everyone first because you think everyone is going to hurt you, so you hurt them first to save the pain' something to that effect....to me, that is what the entire world has turned in to....everyone is carlie with a few exceptions. my advice to the world is grow some thicker skin before it's too late. everyone worried about what they don't have. some people are completely happy playing online video games 24 hours a day, they may have a %$ed up house, no car, no money, no sex life, no friends....but they are completely content.....not that i would advocate this, but it makes a real point.
sorry about jumpin on your thread, but after i typed the first line, the rest just followed.
August in the U.S., end of December/beginning of January in Canada. All Pioneer schools start today in Canada.
pretty sure you can get the book they study if you search around the net for it.
I know why August in the US, at least I think I do. August is the end of the service year, 1 year reg pio from September to August.
So why does Canada start the end of December? Does the service year start some other time than September? Would the pios have been in status from the previous September making it only 4 months or is this counting from December the previous year (2011)?
August is correct!
I never got why if that information was so beneficial for preaching that everybody didn't get to go to that school. After all, isn't this work so important that we would all want to be as skilled as possible at preaching?
For my area it is December. That is Western Canada.
@blondie: I have no idea why its at the end of the year/beginning of next year in Canada. one theory i have made myself is that its to "encourage" the pioneers because they only have to be out for about 6 hours during those two weeks, which are pretty cold during that time of year (Especially january), so they get to stay inside during that time instead. also, its easier to take time off during this time with christmas/new years.
for eligibility, you still need 1 year experience befor being invited, but i believe if you start in january you might still be eligible. so you need to start before or during January 2013 to be eligible for December 2013/January 2014 school, before or during January 2014 for December 2014/JAnuary 2015, etc. so those who start in february have the longest wait.