A petite row is brewing in the Australian teacup. Jenny Macklin, a rather grandiosely titled, Minister for Families, asked by a journalist, whether she could live on the $35 dollars-a-day social services payment for job-seekers, replied that she could! But her staff cut that comment out of the official transcript.
The row is a bit more complicated than that- but that's the gist.
The full story is at: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/minister-riles-welfare-groups-20130101-2c4ct.html
I've got no idea what special pioneers get in Aust. these days*, but it is likely less than that.
So is anyone here living on A$35/day or its equivalent?
* In truth, I must admit that one benefit of all the wasted years serving Yahweh and Jesus, was that I learned to live cheap. So as a poverty stricken student I get along quite well, excepting my list of books I want to buy, grows longer and longer, and the Aussie bookshops charge about double the international price.