While any JW apologists are thinking about how to date that expedition against Egypt, here's a little more food for thought...
The following image is from the 'jehovahsjudgment' apologist website that attempts to defend 607 (used here under Fair Use provisions for criticism and review):

The caption for this chart claims:
Some have claimed that the 607-based chronology does not add up when considering the reigns of the Judean Kings. As we can see above, they fit together perfectly.
Notice from the placement of the events for 628, 625, 620, 607 and 609, confirming that the tick marks indicate Gregorian years.
But notice what they do with 617 BCE... In JW chronology, the siege begins in December 618 BCE (simply moved 20 years from the correct December 598). Because this doesn't allow time for Jehoiakim's 3 years of vassalage (not to mention the waves of marauder bands that were sent inbetween his refusal and the siege - 2 Kings 24:2), the apologists ignore even the Watch Tower Society, and just dishonestly shift those events forward by several months to allow about 3 years for Jehoiakim as a 'vassal' before refusing to pay tribute. The problem is, they have Jehoiakim rebelling after the siege had actually already ended, and after Jehoiakim had been dead for several months. What a tangled web they weave...