So, No Evidence For Solomon... How About The Other OT Superstars?

by Room 215 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Believe because the bible is inspired by do i know? its in the bible.

  • mP

    Well Samson never lived. What the WTS doesnt tell you is the story of Samson is a retell of teh travels and battles of the Sun. Samson means Sun, ask any Arab or check for yourself. There are many strange stories which literally are nonsense, but if you get further into myth themes it all makes sense. Samson fighting the Lion, the honey, the story about foxes on fire, the destruction of the temple by shaking the 2 pillars are very much parallels to Hercules and the Sun. I recall somewhere a scholar explained the temple destruction is of course the sun dying int he west aka like the two pillars of Gibraltar and northern Africa. I havent done a very good job but if you find scholarly books they will show how it all makes sense. Samson was of course a pagan solar deity who got adoptd by the Jewish OT much like Noah and the flood etc.

  • Heaven

    No evidence for Moses either.

    And they have not been able to find any archealogical evidence to support the vast Davidic empire reported in the Bible.

  • shadow

    I have no evidence that my great great great grandfather lived. I wonder if that means I don't exist?

  • bohm

    Shadow: not very convincing your best argument is a link and a bad analogy...

  • sir82
    I have no evidence that my great great great grandfather lived.

    I think you are the evidence that he lived!

    Try again.

  • mP


    I have no evidence that my great great great grandfather lived. I wonder if that means I don't exist?


    THe problem is any king approaching the levels of greatness claimed in the King David and King SOlomon stories would have left some archiectural legacy. All the great empires of all leave monuments, constructions which even today are known and impressive.

    Just look at Giza, Thebes, Rome and so on, plenty of grand things to see. WIth David and Solomon the best they can find is well next to nothing.

  • mP


    If you crossed the Red Sea, left slavery, saw the Egyptians destroyed...would you return to the worship of golden calves so soon? I would behave myself.


    If Egypts army was truely destroyed, how is it the empire continued ? How does one explain other neighbouring kingdoms not taking advantage of a defenceless egypt ?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Excellent point. The entire army was wiped out, according to the story.

    Most people don't know b/c we regard the Bible as absolute truth. If you want to see people run, tell these findings to Fundies or the Witnesses.

    We suspend normal skepticism to support Bible stories.

    I did see the Dead Sea scrolls. My faith is qualified. The experience was moving. Besides the scrolls, which were very different than i expected, there were ancient jars and utensils. I was crying. There are portions where the scrolls were compromised. Rather than render an inaccurate translation, the committee states that it could not come to a consensus.

    I am disappointed that David and Solomon were made-up or so insignificant as to not leave much of an imprint.

  • mP


    I am disappointed that David and Solomon were made-up or so insignificant as to not leave much of an imprint.

    They existed the problem is they werent Jewish, they were Egyptian Pharoahs. Theres a very interesting book by a scholar who shows the egyptian and bible parallels. You can of course see the real things in Egypt, visit the real temple that Amenhotep iii built. Read the heiroglyphs which have numbers and cahracters etc that are copied in the story of Solomon. Funnily enough Solomon includes in his name "Amon" the Egyptian god of the sun. I know the jewish form is different but in our english form we can see some direction at the truth. Read the book you will see the truth for yourself.

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