Something in still thinkings post triggered my own rant. After observing the situation as an adult for quite awhile, it is my belief that the societys teachings make people weak. The WTS does not strenthen, it enfeebles in nearly every way possible.
Here are a few traits which bother me most:
1) Lack of resourcefulness. No idea how to go about getting anything done. Expecting someone else to do it for you. Helplessness. inefficiency.
2) Resignation to Defeat. Giving up easily when faced with any challenge. Taking mechanical or any other failures as a sign of the wicked system. Eeeyore attitude
3) Adoration of Authority. Always deferring to others, confessing sins of self and others. Never questioning those with power. Ones own judgement is inadequate.
4) Indirect ailments. Rather than being direct, inventing excuses and even creating real physical illnesses to avoid things.
5) Avoidance. Avoiding all things, situations, people, and opinions which cause discomfort, and pretending they dont exist, or shouldnt, or wont in the NewSys. Inability to face problems or reality. Putting things off.
6) Lack of discernment. Having always seen the world as us and them, no sense of who is a shady character, no common sense of limits, dismissive, no ability to think about ethical problems. Naive view of the world.
The thing is, these are all characteristics the JW cult member adopts which make he or she WEAK. To make it worse, the person ACTIVELY participates in making his or herself into this weak person who cant get anything done, is easily beaten, rats on family members, fakes illnesses, avoids conflict, and cant make an informed judgment, mentally keeping even the middle aged at an emotional age of about 16!
What do you think- are there other traits which make a person weak which I have forgotten.