I believe there are 2 seperate destinies for christians , tho the WTBTS has the 2 folds of sheep scripture wrong , I think when jesus said that he was talking about jews and gentiles worshipping as equals and the end of the enmity . Revelations clearly talks about a GC and a LF ,144k and a great crowd . The way i see it the LF have to die as a human sacrifice or martyr in behalf of the preaching work while the GC survive the GT and walk into the new earth and paradise under kingdom rule. I think you can be anointed at any time as the bible shows some people were before the ritual of baptism , ACTS 10:44 shows that. I don't think it's just a scripture that shows you are anointing . The spirit lets you know .
What scripture was it that let an average joe know that they were annointed?
by 20yearfader 14 Replies latest jw friends
WT uses only one Scripture to show one has an anointed calling so to speak that Romans 8:16 but if you read the whole chapter its clear their wrong as usual.
that's true crazyguy - they always ignore the fact that the LF are martyred as part of the initiation for being co ruler and must endure a life of poverty as what jesus and the 12 did , foresaking all worldy comforts . They make it sound like living in a luxury condo in brooklyn is what it's about , surrounded by lawyers . I always hated the explanation that it's like knowing you are a boy or girl , completely ridiculous .
Maybe the OP was looking for the scripture that says they call "Abba Abba", cannot remember where it is.
About half an hour after I was baptised, I felt the Holy Spirit that you normaly feel inside you, I felt it on the outside, starting on my head and running down the outside of my body.
Of Course being a JW indoctrinated with the Great Crowd doctrine, it never occured to me that Holy Spirit being poured on you was actualy annoining, beside I never seemed to have the desire to keep on calling out, "Abba".
Now Iam out and read how John the Baptist said Jesus would Baptise in Holy Spirit, I consider all who are genuine in their Baptism from man, will subsequently recieve the promised Baptism from Christ