There seems to be a double standard among ex-jw's who believe and practice Christianity.
I have lost 3 subscribers from my youtube channel all because of speaking my mind, it was not invasive or rude, but my last two videos appeared to have offended them.
So what happened? As an atheist I raised some issues regarding the mind set of christianity that it borrows from JW's, in other words I was showing Christian ex-jw's that they are behaving just like jw's.
The double standard is simple to grasp:
What allowed a person to break free from the Jehovah’s Witness cult? The core answer is open minded, the opposite would be closed minded not wanting to hear the opinion of others.
Are ex-jw Christian's closed minded? Not all Christians but for some reason ex-jw's are closed mind.
So I’ll explain the double standard, they don't like how JW's treat ex-members yet they treat non-Christian members in the same manner, they remove your comments, block you and unsubscribe, all because you have a difference in opinion. The very mind set they use as JW's is the very same as a Christian.
A hamster in a wheel.