Idiot Ray Comfort (Banana Man) Blames Children's Murder on Dawkins and Hitchens

by cantleave 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    American pastor blames mass murder of children on 'British redcoats' Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens

    Ray Comfort and Mark Spence

    In his "On The Box" program — dubbed "a Biblical truth zone" — Ray Comfort of Living Water Ministries weighed in on the horror and tragedy of the shooting spree at Sandy Creek Elementary School in Newtown, CT, in order to offer his viewers an explanation. The reason for mass murders and violence in America, according to Comfort, is because "British redcoats" have "invaded our nation" and "stole the hearts of our children ," thus turning the nation into one that does not fear God . Those redcoats, he went on to say, are evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and the late author, Christopher Hitchens.

    At 3:12 into the video of the show (embedded below), Comfort proclaimed,

    Something radically wrong is happening to our nation and I think the Bible puts its finger on it very clearly. As a nation we've lost the fear of God . And America in 1950 was called a God-fearing nation. But nowadays, if you talk about the fear of God, you're a fundamentalist Bible-bashing, narrow minded bigot full of hate speech, but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, that's all it is, the beginning of wisdom. And someone who fears God looks upon God for their moral guidance. They don't go out and commit adultery, they don't lie, they don't steal, and they definitely don't go around killing people. When we interviewed those 15 people in "Genius," the whole 15 of them had nofear of God before their eyes. And what's happened is that we've had British redcoats invading our nation and shoot our youth through the heart. Men like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, who now went to meet his maker, have come in with their smooth English accents, have convinced millions of young people that they're nothing but primates. There's no ultimate right. There's no ultimate wrong. And when that happens to a nation, when they make them into God haters, something dies within a nation and that's what's happened in America. When a man can go to an elementary school and shoot people, including children, to death and then shoot himself, he doesn't fear God in the slightest.

    Comfort's co-host Mark Spence warned that ideas have consequences and that people need to think about the consequences of the nation "opening its arms wide to these men that are coming in and that are infiltrating the minds and the hearts of the youth of America with these ideas, and people aren't thinking about where that leads, when you devalue the fact that man is made in the image of God and you remove the intrinsic value of the human being, and you also subscribe to evolutionary theory — survival of the fittest — you know, it's kind of like there's this hypocritical doublespeak, if you would, in terms of what, you know, people adhere to and then what the ultimate or the logical ramifications are to that and they just kind of don't want to go there."

    Professor Phil Zuckerman's research has revealed that to equate faith in God with morality is a false notion. Born March 26, 1941, Richard Dawkins would have only been 19 years old when he allegedly donned his redcoat to come to America in order to start infiltrating the hearts and minds of children by the time the godless 1960s rolled around. It wasn't until 1976 that his book, The Selfish Gene, brought him international prominence.

  • Berengaria


  • bohm

    Appeal to emotions over honest inquiery; let everybody have a seat in front of their own personal room 101...

  • Pyramid Scheme
    Pyramid Scheme

    The worst school mass murder in US history occured in 1927 in Bath, Michigan....way before 1950, and in the "Roaring 20's".....arguably the most prosperous decade in the history of the USA.

    The mass media coverage and the internet makes it possible for us to receive every piece of bad news on this planet immediately today.

    Ultimately, when I read this can you blame the actions of an insane person on atheists? It makes me question their sanity.

    Is his real name "Ray Comfort"?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I love mentalities like this. Was America a God fearing nation when they were lynching blacks, or dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, enforcing their imperialism in Vietnam and more recently in the Middle East, supporting a dictator like Batista in Cuba, etc.. This country never had God in the picture, and never will. Then again, after reading the Old Testament.................

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Has this jackass never read the OT or Revelation? The Bible is an instruction manual on genocide and slaughtering children. Certainly, their god made no attempt to protect those children.

  • PSacramento

    He is right, it is their fault.

    It is also the fault of Sam Colt and Camillio Vitelli, and of the chinese for inventing gun powder and the fault of Horace Mann for starting pubic schools in the USA, and the fault of John NOrton for inventing bullets and the fault of Glock for producing hand guns and the fault of whoever shalacked the kids mother and...well, you get the point.

    Lets blame everybody and everything except who did it.

    On a serious note, if we are gonna blame someone besides the actuall killer, we need to blame all those that knew that kid had serious issues and did nothing, in short we need to blame US ( as a society and a culture).

    We have things we need to fix and we must fix them and guys like Ray Comfort are not being part of the solution with this silliness.

  • Berengaria
    and the fault of Horace Mann for starting pubic schools in the USA,
    Surely this is a bad idea?
  • cofty

    you're a fundamentalist Bible-bashing, narrow minded bigot full of hate speech

    At least he has some self-awareness.

  • BreathoftheIndianNose

    Ray Comfort makes me fume. But i don't know whether i hate the man or whether to feel sorry for him. When he was on the Atheist Experience he was quick to admit he was wrong almost every time that he was proven to be incorrect, at least on the lesser issues, showing us that he is somewhat honerable. But then he goes on to make absolutely horrendous accusations like these about great men, proving once again that he is a monster.



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