Caleb's mom wanted for questioning in the disappearance of SPARLOCK the WARRIOR WIZARD
Sparlock Warrior Wizard MISSING!
by Newly Enlightened 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Newly Enlightened
Thank you for downloading the photo, for some reason it didn't want to do it for me. I have another one that I need to download? For some reason it wont go from my flickr account to this website
Newly Enlightened
Sparlocks 'Missing' poster
rip van winkle
NE- Funny!!!
According to the Governing Body this guy found in the hands Jehovah's Witness children 4 and under, makes Jehovah sad, and we all know Jehovah has anger management issues so that when he gets sad look out for collateral damage!No telling what Jehovah will do when he gets sad, hell he might pull the plug on the whole human race if gets real unstable, thinking back to other times in the bible.