I came here as a JW apologist at the start.
I was for a good dozen or something years physically OUT but mentally IN. I left the JWs basically because i no longer wanted to be a 'christian' but still believed it ALL. I was all ''leave me alone to sin my way to armageddon where I would stand on my feet and give jehovah the finger while I watched the firey brimstone heading my way"
I came here when i was looking for information to confirm or deny that the WT would support my ex in destroying my relationship with my children. I couldn't believe thay would but found they did. So began the journey to apostate.
What followed has been a journey into total disbelief in the bible, an intense dislike of any religion esp christianity and more of a deist belief...you know, god made us and then what off to the great celestial whorehouse for a good time and forgot all about his pathetic little experiment. The more i disconected from old programming the more I was free to actually think on other possibilities and to even develop my own concepts.
Maybe I am now going to total disbelief in even that, because frankly I don't think it matters squat anyway...I am here, I have reproduced, I do my best to have a good life and thats the way it will be till I pop my clogs i guess.
I would LIKE there to be an afterlife so i can watch humanity develop over the next whatever but can't do so becuase all it would be is a construct of my own imagination anyway.
BUT in no way do I find that a problem, I see life full of richness, getting older makes you aware of what really matters. Life is about what i do everyday, not where I am going. NOTHING is missing. There is no hole in my soul that needs filling.
Thankyou JWN for removing the scales from my eyes
So thats one from believer to nothing I guess!