AHHHH...the love from Bethel!

by LDH 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • amccullough
    Knowing that there are some STILL there who are sleeping on the floor after all this time

    Just to clarify, I don't think there are Bethelites sleeping on the floor, unless it is by choice. When I was there, some opted to sleep on the floor (usually on mats or foam) so they wouldn't have beds taking up all the space in the room. I only know this because that is what me and my roomate did (it also meant we didn't have to make our beds in the morning, just roll up the blankets and throw it in the closet.)It is my guess that was the situation of the bethelites mentioned earlier since they said they were waiting for a Murphy bed (those beds that fold down from a wall.)

  • LDH


    Maybe you need to reread Patriot's posts.


  • amccullough
    After spending about an hour in their room, it finally dawned on Exodus that there were no beds, let alone space to be able to put beds in. So he asked them: "By the way where do you guys sleep?"

    To that they replied while pointing at the floor: "right there".

    Exodus said he flipped. "You don't even have a bed?" "well, said the bethelite, we havent been here long enough to have a big room and we're in line to get one of those fold down closet beds".

    Do you mean that post? That was the exact situation me and my roommate were in...we didn't have enough seniority to get a big room or a Murphy (fold down) bed, and instead of having regular beds (which were available to all Bethelites) take up most of our room, we slept on the floor. Again, it is my guess that is the situation in the above post.

  • LDH


    you said:

    regular beds (which were available to all Bethelites
    so I don't understand--how do some end up on the FLOOR?

    And this is OK with you?!?!?!?


  • amccullough
    so I don't understand--how do some end up on the FLOOR?

    And this is OK with you?!?!?!?

    OK, when your entire living space is approx 8'x10', you make a choice between getting a 6 foot single bed (with a pull out bed underneath for your roommate) take up most of the room or telling Bethel "no thanks, I'll sleep on the floor and just put a few chairs in hear so me and my buddies can hang out and watch movies, and if we're lucky, invite some sisters up." Or something to that effect.

    So, in any event, I'm pretty sure it was by choice that they were sleeping on the floor. That is OK with me (their mom might disagree)...

  • LDH
    when your entire living space is approx 8'x10'

    Here's a RICH idea. Quit with the roommate thing already. These boys and girls are there as volunteers and they have to share my shoe closet with someone else????

    My daughter's bedroom is 12 x 12, pretty common in California I think. Although it is neat and tidy, there is barely enough room for her stuff. TV, VCR, Sound system, CDs, Book Shelf, playstation. etc etc. Full Bed.

    And she is a KID.

    So, full grown adults are living half as good as my kid, and they're doing it because they feel that is what Jesus would want.

    Sorry, AMC, you're just making it the already bad conditions seem worse every time you post.


  • amccullough
    Sorry, AMC, you're just making it the already bad conditions seem worse every time you post.

    That's fine, I was not hoping to convince you that it is a wonderful experience and you should pursure it. I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. My point was to clarify that they are probably not forced to sleep on the floor, which I believe this point was made.

    My room dimensions could very well be way off as I'm not good at guestimating those type of things. All I can say is, from my personal experience, the living conditions were not bad. We had a room with a couch and a chair, a TV, VCR, Stereo and a view of the Manhattan skyline. We had a couple different Gyms to work out in, an indoor basketball court, walking distance from Manhattan, and lots of friends. I had a lot of fun, despite the awful pictures painted in this thread.

  • Moxy

    err. amc is not arguing OR defending bethel here. hes just explaining that the lack of bed was a choice, a tradeoff with lack of space. stop trying to polarize everyone into 'for' and 'against'. havent you had enough of that?


  • LDH

    errrr....Mox, I'm not polarizing ANYTHING.And, as *all-powerful* as I am, I can't make anyone do anything.

    As far as I'm concerned, the onus is on those who accept the Bethel conditions and stay as unpaid volunteers.

    HOWEVER it does strike me as unusual that *Jehovah's* organization forces people to live in what *I* consider poor living situations.

    For instance, AMC said that those Bethelites "made a choice"--

    When I was there, some opted to sleep on the floor (usually on mats or foam) so they wouldn't have beds taking up all the space in the room.
    what I'm saying (and let's be real clear here, as you are not understanding me) is that JEHOVAH'S organization needs to do better by it's volunteers. So you either sleep comfortably, or you have friends over. Whoop-de-doo. Some choice to give idealistic young people.


  • amccullough
    JEHOVAH'S organization needs to do better by it's volunteers.

    Maybe you should run for Home Overseer so you can improve the bad living conditions at Bethel. A living room for everyone! That can be your slogan.

    the onus is on those who accept the Bethel conditions and stay as unpaid volunteers....*Jehovah's* organization forces people to live in what *I* consider poor living situations.
    I guess if the onus is on the Bethelite for staying, then the WT are not forcing them, are they?

    Again, I lived there and the living conditions were fine. Everyone I personally know that lived there thought the living conditions were fine. You have never lived there and never will and *you* think the living conditions are poor. This discussion just became pointless.

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