See? Mystery solved.
Who is Babylon the Great?
by sabastious 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
James, I love you man, so take this in that sense.... irregardless is not a word, no matter how cool it sounds. According to the Grammaticus 4:17, those who speak with false words will not inherit the earth. I am trying to save your soul, man.
Irregardless, it is a word in Wibble. It is the double negative adverb of regard.
Our dear, sweet, 8 lb 6 oz baby Jesus, in his golden fleece diapers, omnipotent even though he don't even know a word yet, hates wibble.
I am not surprised, EntirelyPossible.
Wibble would have advised him to look inwardly for enlightenment rather than to develop this "son-of-God" complex.
Many hate the Wibble because of the simplicity of its logic.
I don't not do Wibble because I dislike it, my brain just isn't geared to work that way, same reason I don't to jigsaw puzzles or date ugly chicks.
Wibblers do not have to date ugly chicks.
Babylon the Great chicks are not necessarily ugly, but they wear too much eye makeup.
Of course you don't, you own a Ferarri. All I have going for me are my looks, charm, wits, money, sense of humor, supreme sense of style, pissing excellence and extreme manliness. So, you know, I don't either.
Actually, those overpainted Babylonian Jezebels prefer my Rolls-Royce to the Ferrari.
But here we are again - off topic as usual.
One could accurately look at the WTS. as Babylon the Great for the reason that it sells, through it literature sales ( whores ) false religious teachings
it has many branch heads all over the world ( Kingships )
One could accurately look at the WTS. as Babylon the Great for the reason that it sells, through it literature sales ( whores ) false religious teachings
The Watchtower is an adornment of the world which makes them a building within the city of Babylon the Great. To say they alone are the prostitute would be a woeful understatement. There is so much more than them on this prison planet ruled by a corrupt warden. They are much better described by the Beast out of the Earth, which represents the "World Empire of False Prophets." As long as you are willing to lie and have people die needlessly under your rule, you are in. On the other hand, if you are honest and love freedom and justice, you are tortured and kicked to the curb by the warden.