Well I'm thinking everything in the universe is made of "nothing" +1-1=0 but nothing is very unstable and so out of this nothing come an infinite quantity of universes some spawn life some don't.
I don't think a bronze age god would have such powers as the minds that thought him up didn't even know about electromagnitism, photons, or just how big this universe is, infact in the minds of those who imagined this bronze age diety the earth was just a floating land mass in the sea, or something like that. That being the common understanding and world view, I don't even think they had such a term that would be equivalent to our modern day "Omnipotent". So clearly such a claim come from people of our time, as such could not be taught because, back during the time the bible was being written and rewritten thier world view was very limited and not like today.
It is a tribal diety that grew to a national diety to a world diety depending on the time in which people lived, and now with all this new understanding of the world and the cosmos many are enlarging the power of this diety to fit the new paradigm when such was never implied or intended in such ancient writtings.