Doctrines that must change-- which ones?

by WildeLover 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WildeLover

    HI all

    Considering the recent major doctrinal changes in relation to the generation and to the faithful and discreet slave which other doctrines do you think they will have to change?

    Generation change à time and too many of the anointed dying

    F&DS à anointed growing in number so necessary to blow that out of the water by completely centralising power in the GB

    So what else must change too with the passing of time or other circumstances that will force their hand?

    Best wishes


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Two Witness rule.



  • blondie

    It would probably be easier to list the ones that can stay.

  • wasblind

    So what else must change too with the passing of time or other circumstances that will force their hand?_________WildeLover

    They will change from claimin' they have " The Troof " To " Now we have the Troof "

  • hoser

    1914 eventually will be irrelevant, too distant in the past

  • TD
    Considering the recent major doctrinal changes in relation to the generation and to the faithful and discreet slave which other doctrines do you think they will have to change?

    The Great Crowd doctrine is still intimately tied to the pre 95 chronological understanding of a generation inasmuch as you can't even be a 'prospecitve' member of the Great Crowd if the end doesn't occur in your lifetime.

    You have absolutely zero prospect of surviving an event you will never live to see and the proximity of the end is therefore an important prerequisite in the identification of this group.

    --Problem is a 25 year old in 1935 would be going on 103 today.

  • wasblind

    1914 eventually will be irrelevant, too distant in the past______Hoser

    That's what the WTS is hopin' for, that 's why the changes are bein' made

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    The one doctrine that absolutely must stay is the New Light doctrine. This is the alibi foundation for changes to all the rest.

    Other religions change a teaching -- take Catholics on eating meat on Friday, remember that one? Ooohh -- what a contradiction. We'd tell the householder that one day Catholics were in Purgatory for eating meat on Friday, next day they weren't.

    Same with Mormons. One day multiple marriages are okay, next day they're not. Contradiction. Of course, we always neglected to acknowledge to these householders that Mormons had abandoned their teaching some 50 years before Jehovah's Witnesses began disfellowshipping (1947) for that same practice.

    It's obvious that JWs believe that they have a world patent on the New Light doctrine -- that they're the only ones entitled to alibi their way out of changes to their teachings.

    As for me, I love it when they knock on my door nowadays. I always get a chance to divulge the fact that I studied with them many years ago. Not a lie -- I simply don't expose the fact that I then became a MS, an elder, developed a bothered conscience that resulted in disfellowshipping.

    Their inevitable question -- "Why did you stop studying?" -- is the perfect lead to my introduction to The Great Watchtower Contradiction, an 11 minute read designed for new ones but which poses questions on topics that the most seasoned JW would cringe at.

    Contradiction contains a table handout that you can snip for purse or billfold. I always keep my billfold handy.


  • Phizzy

    It really depends on events. The WT has never been pro-active and forward-looking as it likes to project itself. In reality they are simply reactive, and pretty slow at it, so that by the time they do something, the target has already moved.

    What they would dearly love to get rid of is the Blood doctrine, but the fear of heavy damages from those whose family members have died has caused them to simply try slowly reversing out of it over decades, meanwhile innocent ones, children even, still die.

    They would like to bury 1914 so it slips in to oblivion like 1799 1874 1925 1975 etc

    They have a problem of huge proportions with that though, their whole edifice is built upon it, all their claims are linked to it. Talk about built on sand !

    They would need to get rid of the shunning if they wanted to go more mainstream, which one day they may wish to do, if being so weirdly different is a huge barrier to recruitment they may have to, and so they should, it really is the most unloving, unchristian, unscriptural of practices, the very worst kind of bullying. This doctrine/practice too has caused many deaths, one only a few weeks ago.

    It is my gut feeling that they will tweak the 1914 doctrine a bit to make it less ludicrous, but they have an uphill battle on their hands, and even a tweak at this stage may wake up a good number to the reality.

    The reality being that the WT is an erstwhile Publishing company which now makes its bucks from property dealing, posing as a religion.

  • james_woods

    The Great Crowd doctrine (earth versus heaven) is problematical because it is intimately tied in with the 1914 generation and the literal 144,000 interpretation.

    If I were a witness doctrine-maker, I would be extremely embarrassed to admit that NOBODY in the 2000 year history of christianity EVER taught this doctrine before it was thought up by the witnesses themselves in the 1930s.

    It is extremely illogical to assume that EVERY true christian before 1935 was worthy of the heavenly calling, but NOBODY after that was worthy except for a few extremely rare special cases.

    In other words - Jehovah/Jesus picks the heavenly on a time limit rather than individual merit? Illogical in the extreme, say I.

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