If the elders sense that you are not genuine in your concerns, or that you are just trying to find holes in WT logic or trying to promote contary teachings they are not going to listen to you. If they get the feeling that you have been viewing anything 'apostate' they are not going to try and answer any questions you raise, they will just want to know your motives for questioning and what has brought these feelings up.
Then you can expect a question along the lines of, 'Do you believe Jehovah is directing this organization?'
This is all that matters to them when you start questioning the fundemental doctrines.
If they feel you are genuine in your concerns expect some WT article refrences, a few on the subjects you raise and some on not reading anything apostate or critical of Jehovahs organization. You will be told to pray and wait on Jehovah. Another sheparding visit will probably be arranged a bit later to see how you are going.
The only chance of getting them to think about what they believe is to try and act as genuine and humble as you can. They have to feel that you don't have any answers. If they think you are trying get them to reach a conclusion they will just stay in WT drone mode.
If you can play humble student your questions might stay with them for a while and have some effect on there faith. But if they think you are trying to play teacher you won't get anywhere.
I think there are many thought provoking questions you can raise but it is more the way you ask and conduct yourself that will determine the how effective they are.