Stop Putting Apostate Stickers On My Literature! They "Cost Lots of Money!"

by AuntConnie 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unstopableravens

    wt wizard: ha ha well i give out tract alot, i hope you dont write lies on them, just because the watchtower tracts has lies, does not mean christian tracts do, im sorry i notice you have so much against the bible, i notice in your comments you bash god and sorry for your misguided frustration. but at the end of the day god is real wheather you hate him or love him, he is the king of kings and lord of lords?and nothing any atheist or false believer can say can change the fact that jesus is the great "i am".

  • mrsjones5

    Satire, gotta love it.

  • Tater-T
    If Ray was humble and waited upon Jehovah his questions or problems would have been resolved in due time.

    sounds like you should take your own advice....

    Oh and I bet the cost of the mags is nothing compared to the gas you spend back and forth slinging the magizines around town..

    wait on Jehovah Aunt Connie... he'll fix it, or fix it so no one can

    good luck

  • Heaven

    Now THIS sticker, I like!

  • NeverKnew

    Did a JW just tell me to go to "hell?" Are you guys stealing our phrases?

  • AuntConnie

    Jake the lit-servant was removed for the same thing you said, no sense of value. My Circuit Overseer is pushing all the Kingdom Halls to "give more" and "don't despise things of value" and uses "The Widow's mite" example how poor witnesses can offer up everything and trust Jehovah will keep their warm and well feed.

    Who in the hell said to "Write wtih a Red Sharpie"? the bastard used your idea when I checked on the local laundary matt library. I am begging please, what little joy life gives me, the "Red Marking" or Zorro Apostate is robbing screwing with ME! It's the little things, like filling out a larger Time Slip that makes me feel superior and smug, don't take this away, I beg you!

  • mrsjones5

    Sharpie! I don't need no stinking Sharpie!

  • Jeffro

    AuntConnie, is your avatar an actual photo of you. If so, I promise I won't Sharpie any more of your laundromat mags.

  • brinjen

    What do you need a sharpie for when you can just carry a pin with you instead? Prick your finger... there you have it. Constant supply of ink.

  • recovering

    Aunt Connie you have already come to the dark side by posting on and reading an "apostate" website. You have shown disrepect (by your comments) for the elders, your congregation; your parents; the society; and have ignored your husbands headship. You have also stumbled the lost sheep spoken of in Math 18:12. Since you have done all this why not join us. We have not commited half the offences you have claimed to have.


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