Lately I have been dreaming a lot about old Jw's I used to know and be friends with. I have been out since 2008 but yet I think often of those I liked a lot at the Kingdom hall. I do not get it why do these still thoughts still come? I see some old Jw's I used to know and see them aging it is so sad to see. I mean I grew up with these people and to see the children all grown up and the adults getting more gray hair as time passes. it is truly a love hate thing becuase I want to want to tell these people they are being lied to. But I feel that my words will only fall on deaf ears.
Dreaming about JW's
by d 14 Replies latest jw friends
But I feel that my words will only fall on deaf ears.
That is unless the Elders hear that you're spreading apostate ideas. Then they'll form the 3-member death squad.
nuthouse escapee
Hello D, I have been out since 2004 and have these dreams also. The dreams usually are about my adult children. It's funny you should bring this topic up because I had one of those dreams last night about a couple who were best friends with my ex and myself. It's always the same, I am trying to show them the fallacies of Wt. teaching using their own literature but they just won't listen. I wake up frustrated. Leslie
I just posted the same thing. I wake up all the time thinking jw stuff. I really believe we all have a form of PTSD from this cult
I have JW dreams all the time, usually I'm at an assembly and I desperately want to get out.
Ah. I've been having recurring dreams of this sort, as well. Not all that often, but when it happens, I have that same horrible feeling of being trapped in it again. Either that, or I'm arguing with someone about the doctrine and getting really p.o.'d.
I guess the programming is such that our subconscious is still struggling with it on some level, or still fighting it on some level. I don't know. I'd rather have dreams about anything else, anything at all. But at least it's not as bad as it used to be.
I think every single JW dream I have involves an assembly.
I think we all have to slowly purge the Jw's out of our syestem.
I think that I am past the dreaming stage now.....although you never know when a flashback may occur!
My worst J W dream/nightmare was when I was still well and truly "in"......I dreamed that I was in the New World.. the world was at peace, we were fit and healthy, everything was there but I was assigned to work on the land in the blistering sun and heat, my hands, my back, my knees cried out for a rest but the overseers stood guard and made sure that we did not stop.
I awoke in a funk . How glad was I that it was only a dream and I could go to work in the office tomorrow, at my desk near the coffee machine?
charlie brown jr.
Funny you should say this...................... havin' VERY REAL and Vivid dreams of the Old days.....
And those who were so close 2 me..........
Still Hurts LOL!