Flip-flopping all over the place

by confusedteenager 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedteenager

    One minute I'm believing completely in God and in Jesus Christ, and in the next instance I'm questioning all religious systems in general. I think I'm just lacking faith, but then in the back of my head I'm wondering if I've just been so indoctrinated and deluded...that I can't imagine living without considering that there is a God to be worshiped, or that I need to worship God in order to be happy. I don't know how full-blown atheists or full blown Christians do it either way. There is just so many doubts for either side, how can you really truly pick a definite position? That's why I know in my heart I'm agnostic, but I came to this conclusion before and it just made me feel empty...purposeless. Being a Christian gives me a purpose, and even though I know this Organization is faulty, right now it's all I have to fall back on. I don't know what else to do, or what to turn to.

    I don't know if I'm making any sense at all, but I just needed to rant. :/

    I wish the big questions in life weren't so hard to answer.

  • Tater-T

    here's what helped me... why would it matter to GOD what you believe...


  • ruderedhead

    You're are having very normal feelings for a teen who is obviously intelligent and has found out they have been lied to their whole life by a high control religion. I have raised 4 teens, and I'm going to ask you to take a step back and take a deep breath. Take your time, confused. The world is not going to end tomorrow. Do research privately, be thorough. Look at other religions, most have someone willing to talk to you about the Bible & their doctrines. If it takes you a couple years to figure out that is fine. You're young, you are discovering things some did not until they were much older. Come here to vent, ask questions. I personally cannot fathom looking at this wonderful world and not believe there has to be a creator of all of this. BUT, that is me. You must make your own decisions. But please don't panic over it. You will figure it out. Much love to you, confused. Rudered

  • EntirelyPossible

    There is just so many doubts for either side, how can you really truly pick a definite position? That's why I know in my heart I'm agnostic, but I came to this conclusion before and it just made me feel empty...purposeless. Being a Christian gives me a purpose, and even though I know this Organization is faulty, right now it's all I have to fall back on.

    Couple of points...

    - There have been at least 30,000 gods in human history. There is a 0.000037% chance Jehovah is the right one.

    - Agnostic just means you don't know.

    - You can define your own purpose. For instance, mine is to live a life that makes me happy and be a good parent and a decent person. I work hard, take pleasure in my children, in backpacking, in a good round of golf, spending quality time with my friends.

    - Instead of falling back, don't be afraid to learn to stand. You might fall or stumble, it takes practice.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi confusedteenager, You are transitioning from being a child to being an adult and wondering about everything that you were taught as a JW - a double whammy. You don't have to solve all your thoughts and feelings in one day. Give it time. Everything is not good or bad, or black or white.

    Do independent research from the WTBTS and do not rely on only one source for your information. If you have a Kindle, I would recommend that you get an e-book of Steve Hassan's latest book "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs" so that you can heal emotionally yourself and possibly communicate better with your JW parent(s).

    When I was a teenager, I stopped going to church at 12 and I believed that I was an agnostic until about 40 yrs-old. Because of what I have experienced in life, I believe that I am now a Christian. To me being a Christian is following the teachings of Jesus Christ because it make my life better - not perfect, but better. I do not believe that God or Jesus Christ wants us to worship them like pagans worshipped idols - they want us to cherish such concepts as Love, truth, and helping other people as Jesus taught his disciples in the Bible.

    In time you will figure out what works best for you.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • transhuman68

    It is a big jump from belonging to an organization and having a purpose handed to you on a plate; to being on your own and having to find your own purpose and a meaning to life- but is worth it, if you can move in a positive direction, and create the life you were meant to live. The chance of a 'God' ever intervening on this earth is remote to impossible, so it would be useful to think about what you would like to have achieved in 50 years time.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Take a DEEP breath and take it from those who have been where you are now...

    The important thing right now is not making stupid mistakes. In other words, stay clear of drugs, use alcahol in moderation if you must, be good to people and work hard. The rest will come. Do NOT go off and do dumb stuff and try all the previous 'forbidden' things...sometimes things are forbidden with good reason!

    As for the whole belief thing, you will be adjusting that for the rest of your life so dont rush to figure it out, it doesn't really matter that much.

    Life is not about what you believe in your head but about what you DO.

    Too much emphasis is placed on 'the meaning of life'. There is no devine meaning. We are here, we breed. Our job is to make our life good for ourselves, those we love and those we choose to help. It is not a dress rehersal for the so called next life, so make it a good one.


  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    EntirelyPossible >>

    - You can define your own purpose. For instance, mine is to live a life that makes me happy and be a good parent and a decent person. I work hard, take pleasure in my children, in backpacking, in a good round of golf, spending quality time with my friends.

    Of course, you do understand, this attitude is exactly that the WTBTS condemns. They mistakenly will quote: "If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that." - Matthew 5:47 (NLT)

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Believe in yourself.

  • LostGeneration

    Here is what I did....

    I stopped praying as a 30-something year old adult. I figured that I could start up again anytime, and God would understand that I was simply trying to figure things out.

    That was almost five years ago....ever since then, I haven't felt the need even once to talk to an invisible guy living in the sky. I feel LIBERATED that each decision I make is more my own benefit, and I will live with what happens, good or bad.

    NEVER FELT BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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