Pathetic the way JW's bang on about birthdays. Miserable sods don't want the kiddies to have any fun.
Something weird from my mom
by doublelife 20 Replies latest jw friends
J. Hofer
i love those "is this or that christian", or "can you imagine jesus doing this or that"
is playing tennis christian? can you imagine jesus playing tennis? how about cooking chili con carne, is that christian and can you imagine jesus doing that? wearing glasses, is that christian? could you imagine jesus wearing glasses?
Why don't you write her back and ask her why she's reading articles written by "False Religion."
yadda yadda 2 - "Pathetic the way JW's bang on about birthdays. Miserable sods don't want the kiddies to have any fun."
It's got nothing to do with fun, and everything to do with socially isolating members from non-members.
Think About It
Pathetic the way JW's bang on about birthdays. Miserable sods don't want the kiddies to have any fun.
Then the miserable sods cry & complain about 2 of every 3 kids born into this religion leaving it when they become adults. Joyless, life-sucking cult.
Found Sheep
Hope you had fun
mamochan13 - "JWs love to find proof that other religions back up their crazy beliefs."
Whilst simultaneously highlighting all the apparent flaws of those same religions...
It's called "having your cake and eating it, too"; all authoritarian high control groups do it.
maybe she just thinks you won't accept the jw spin on things so she'll give you similar thinking from a neutral any rate, the bday's are bad thing is really stretching it........
Why don't you write her back and ask her why she's reading articles written by "False Religion."
No, that would be the wrong response - in my opinion.
Rather than do that, you should reply saying that you are happy that she is looking at what others believe... and then send her some link to something that shows what you believe - whether it is on another religious site or not is not the important thing... showing her that you are (or have) also done (doing) research is the important thing.
Of course, she will probably reply and ask you to not send any more links... but hopefully she won't either.
It's probably a no-win situation, since it involves a parent. Parents think that they know more than their kiddos. No matter how old the kiddos are.
No, when I was studying, the conductor used some book from the catholic church stating that birthdays were not of early Christian orgin to prove they were right. Maybe the catholic encyclopedia?